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:Release notes

Last Updated:Nov 13, 2024

This topic describes the release notes for the minor versions, console, Ganos, and API of PolarDB for PostgreSQL and provides links to the relevant references.

Note You can execute the following statement to view the minor version that is used by PolarDB for PostgreSQL:
show polar_version;

The following table describes the version mappings between PolarDB for PostgreSQL and open source PostgreSQL.

PolarDB for PostgreSQL versionOpen source PostgreSQL version


Minor engine version





Release date

New feature

Support for logon and logoff triggers

Logon and logoff triggers are event triggers that can be used to trigger specified functions or stored procedures for logon and logoff.

Logon and logoff triggers

September 2022

Batch writes to cache

The polar_enable_strat_bulkwrite parameter is added to control the cache size for the data written by the session. Default value: true. Valid values:

  • true: Only partial cache space is provided for the data written by the session. This is consistent with the native PostgreSQL.

  • false: All cache space is provided for the data written by the session.

  • In most cases, you can use the default value. This ensures that each session uses a portion of dedicated cache space and does not eliminate cached data that is generated by other sessions.

  • We recommend that you set the parameter to false in the following scenario: All data that you write in batches is cached. This can improve the cache hit ratio and reduce the number of disk reads.

    We recommend that you use this parameter together with the polar_enable_strat_scan parameter. Set the two parameters to false. Data can be written to or read from all cache space.

    set polar_enable_strat_bulkwrite=false; -- Data can be written to all cache space.
    set polar_enable_strat_scan=false; -- Data can be read from or loaded to all cache space.


September 2022

Ganos V4.9





Release date

New feature

ST_Intersection aggregate function

This function is added to aggregate an array of geometry objects.


September 2022

ST_AddZ function

This function is supported. This function accepts z-axis values as the value of an input parameter and converts a 2D or 3DM geometry to a 3D or 4D geometry.


September 2022

ST_SetValue function

This function is added to specify pixel values at specified pixel positions and set pixel values based on the spatial range of a geometry object.


September 2022

Optimized feature

ST_ExportTo function

This function is optimized to export raster objects as COG files.


September 2022

ST_CreateRast function

The function is optimized to convert multiple raster records or arrays into raster objects.


September 2022

ST_Split function

The function is optimized to support the settings of the start time when you want to split a trajectory by time. The optimized function also supports the splitting of a trajectory by trajectory point index.


September 2022

ST_Union function

The function is optimized to support batch execution based on memory usage to prevent out-of-memory (OOM) errors caused by large data volumes.


September 2022

ST_CreateRast function

The function is optimized to create raster data based on Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS).


September 2022

ST_ImportFrom function

The function is optimized to import raster data based on HDFS.


September 2022

ST_ExportTo function

The function is optimized to export raster data to HDFS.


September 2022

Fixed issue

The following issue is fixed: The ST_makeTrajectory function may cause system downtime.

September 2022

The following issue is fixed: The ST_lcsSimilarity function cannot identify the time range measured in days.

September 2022

The following issue is fixed: The ST_AsEWKB function cannot convert trajectories that are created from data tables.

September 2022

The following issue is fixed: Memory usage problems occur when the ST_BuildPyramid function is called to create a vector pyramid based on a large amount of data.

September 2022


Minor engine version





Release date

New feature

pgAudit plug-in

The pgAudit plug-in is supported. This plug-in is used to generate audit logs.


August 2022

July 2022

Minor version 1.1.24





New feature


The plan_cache_mode parameter is added to configure the plan cache mode. Default value: auto. Valid values:

  • auto: automatically chooses between the custom and generic modes.

  • force_custom_plan: uses the custom plan generated by the optimizer.

  • force_generic_plan: uses the generic plan in the plan cache.


GanosBase V4.7





New feature

ST_makeTrajectory function

This function is added to convert rows in a table to trajectories.


ST_AsTable function

This function is added to convert trajectories to a table.


Fixed issue

The following issue is fixed: Anonymous temporary tables cannot be automatically deleted during raster data operations.


Minor engine version





Release date

New feature


The pg_hint_plan plug-in is supported. This plug-in is used to add hints to SQL statements. The hints specify how you want the SQL statements to be executed. This way, you can optimize the execution plans of the SQL statements.


June 2022

New feature

Performance optimization for the memory release of the resource manager

  • The mem_release_policy parameter is added to specify the memory release policy. Default value: default. Valid values:

    • default: When the database thresholds are reached, the resource manager starts the adaptive policy. This parameter cannot be combined with other parameters. The memory is released based on the default policy. Processes are divided into idle processes and active processes. Idle processes are first released and then active processes.

    • cancel_query: cancels queries of active processes.

    • terminate_idle_backend: terminates idle processes.

    • terminate_any_backend: terminates any processes.

    • none: takes no actions.

  • The total_memcontext_dump_rate parameter is added to specify the threshold for memory context output. Default value: 75. Valid values: 20 to 95. The parameter value takes effect after you restart the cluster or perform a reload operation.

  • The max_proc_mcxtdump_num parameter is added to specify the number of processes for memory context output. Default value: 1. Valid values: 1 to 100. The parameter value takes effect after you restart the cluster or perform a reload operation.

  • The interval_max_num parameter is added to specify the number of intervals for memory context output. Default value: 0. Valid values: 0 to INT32_MAX. The parameter value takes effect after you restart the cluster or perform a reload operation.


June 2022

March 2022

Minor version 1.1.22

New featureAnalyze operation in parallel execution
  • The polar_px_enable_explain_all_stat parameter is added to display the execution result (such as the number of tuples processed by each worker and the execution duration) of each worker when the explain analyze command is run in parallel queries.
  • The polar_px_explain_memory_verbosity parameter is added to display the memory usage of each worker when the explain analyze command is run in parallel queries. Valid values:
    • summary: the collective information of the memory usage of each worker.
    • detail: the detailed memory usage information of each worker.
Support for ClangClang is supported. N/A

Ganos V4.6

New featureObject storage pathsRaster data can be accessed by using self-managed Multi-Cloud Object Storage (MinIO) servers. Object storage paths
ST_PointValues functionThe ST_PointValues function is supported. This function is used to return the pixel values of all bands. ST_PointValues
Fixed issueThe issue that the band order is incorrect when the ST_Clip function is executed is fixed.
The issue that the performance is low due to the lack of primary key indexes during raster updates is fixed.
If a trajectory failed to read data from Object Storage Service (OSS), you can use the trajectory to try again.

Ganos V4.5

New featureGanos is supported for PostgreSQL 14. N/A
Optimized featureThe cache for trajectory objects in external storage is increased to improve access performance. N/A
Fixed issueThe issue that file suffixes are missing when raster data is exported to OSS is fixed.
The issue that statistics failed to be collected for specific raster data is fixed.

January 2022

Minor kernel version 1.1.20

New featureDrop flashbackYou can use the drop flashback feature to quickly restore deleted tables and view and clear the recycle bin. Drop flashback
Multi-level partitioned tables in parallel executionYou can use the parallel execution feature to query data from multi-level partitions in parallel. Query data from partitioned tables

Ganos V4.4

New featureST_LinearStretch functionThe ST_LinearStretch function is supported. This function is used to linearly stretch a raster and return a new raster. ST_LinearStretch
ST_BuildPercentiles functionThe ST_BuildPercentiles function is supported. This function is used to return the percentage of pixels for a set of raster bands. ST_BuildPercentiles
ST_ComputeStatistics functionThe ST_ComputeStatistics function is supported. This function is used to return the statistics of a raster object, including histograms and percentage. ST_ComputeStatistics
ST_Percentile functionThe ST_Percentile function is supported. This function is used to return the percentage of pixels for a raster band. ST_Percentile
Optimized featureParallel computingThe ST_SummaryStats and ST_BuildHistogram functions can be used to perform parallel computing. N/A
ST_ExportTo functionIf the specified file already exists, the ST_ExportTo function returns false instead of an error message. N/A
ST_ImportFrom functionIf an import error occurs, the ST_ImportFrom function returns the details about the error. You can troubleshoot the error based on the error details. ST_ImportFrom
Fixed issueThe issue that half a pixel is lost due to number rounding when a raster is cropped is fixed.
The issue that the data of a raster cannot be properly imported or collected when the data contains values such as NAN and INF is fixed.

December 2021

Minor version 1.1.19

New featureSupport for parallel update in cross-node parallel executionParallel update is supported in cross-node parallel execution, including UPDATE statements that contain subqueries.
You can configure the polar_px_enable_update parameter to enable or disable the feature. Default value: false.
  • If the parameter is set to true, the feature is enabled.
  • If the parameter is set to false, the feature is disabled.

You can configure the polar_px_update_dop_num parameter to control the concurrency level for the parallel update feature. Default value: 6. Valid values: 1 to 128.

You can configure the polar_px_enable_remove_update_redundant_motion parameter to specify whether to remove excess motion operators when the number of read workers is the same as that of the write workers. Default value: false.
  • If this parameter is set to true, excess motion operators are removed.
  • If this parameter is set to false, excess motion operators are not removed.
Cross-node parallel execution
Support for parallel delete in cross-node parallel executionParallel delete is supported in cross-node parallel execution, including DELETE statements that contain subqueries and parallel delete that does not contain subqueries.
You can configure the polar_px_enable_delete parameter to enable or disable the feature. Default value: false.
  • If this parameter is set to true, the feature is enabled.
  • If this parameter is set to false, the feature is disabled.

You can configure the polar_px_delete_dop_num parameter to control the concurrency level for the parallel delete feature. Default value: 6. Valid values: 1 to 128.

You can configure the polar_px_enable_remove_delete_redundant_motion parameter to specify whether to remove excess motion operators when the number of read workers is the same as that of the write workers. Default value: false.
  • If this parameter is set to true, excess motion operators are removed.
  • If this parameter is set to false, excess motion operators are not removed.

Ganos V4.3

New featureST_PixelAsPolygon functionThe ST_PixelAsPolygon function is supported. This function is used to return the polygon geometry that bounds the pixel for a particular row and column. ST_PixelAsPolygon
ST_PixelAsPolygons functionThe ST_PixelAsPolygons function is supported. This function is used to return the polygon geometry that bounds every pixel of a raster band. ST_PixelAsPolygons
ST_PixelAsPoint functionThe ST_PixelAsPoint function is supported. This function is used to return a point geometry of the upper-left corner of the pixel. ST_PixelAsPoint
ST_PixelAsCentroid functionThe ST_PixelAsCentroid function is supported. This function is used to return the centroid (point geometry) of the area represented by a pixel. ST_PixelAsCentroid
ST_PixelAsPoints functionThe ST_PixelAsPoints function is supported. This function is used to return a point geometry for each pixel of a raster band. ST_PixelAsPoints
ST_PixelAsCentroids functionThe ST_PixelAsCentroids function is supported. This function is used to return the centroid (point geometry) for each pixel of a raster band. ST_PixelAsCentroids
Optimized featureGeometry modelGeometry is compatible with PostGIS 3.1.4. N/A
ST_AsDatasetFile functionThe ST_AsDatasetFile function is supported. This function is used to return data in the GRIB2 format. N/A
Fixed issueThe issue that an incorrect spatial reference identifier (SRID) is obtained when raster data is imported in the NetCDF format is fixed.
The issue that multiple bounding boxes cannot be properly updated when the results of the equals operations on the bounding boxes are incorrect is fixed.

October 2021

Minor version 1.1.17

New featureSupport for multiple read and write to accelerate queries with the INSERT INTO SELECT statement in cross-node parallel executionIn addition to multiple read and single write implemented by executing the INSERT INTO SELECT statement, cross-node parallel execution also supports parallel write and read to further improve the performance of INSERT INTO SELECT.
You can configure the polar_px_insert_dop_num parameter to control the write concurrency level. Default value: 6.
  • If this parameter is set to 1, the multiple read and single write plan is executed.
  • If this parameter is set to a value greater than 1, the multiple read and write plan is executed.
Cross-node parallel execution
Support for acceleration of tableless queries that use INSERT INTO SELECT in cross-node parallel executionCross-node parallel execution supports acceleration of tableless queries that use INSERT INTO SELECT. This further improves the performance of INSERT INTO SELECT.
You can configure the polar_px_enable_insert_from_tableless parameter to specify whether to enable the tableless query acceleration feature. Default value: 0.
  • If this parameter is set to 1, the feature is enabled.
  • If this parameter is set to 0, the feature is disabled.
Support for forced order in INSERT INTO SELECT for order-sensitive SQL queries in cross-node parallel executionCross-node parallel execution allows you to configure the polar_px_enable_insert_order_sensitive parameter to ensure that parallel write operations are performed in order. Default value: true.
  • If this parameter is set to true and an SQL statement contains ORDER BY or the tableless query feature is used, parallel write operations are forced to perform in order.
  • If this parameter is set to false, parallel write operations are not necessarily performed in order.
Support for automatic interruption of cross-node parallel queries after a timeout for the continuity of conflicted DDL operationsTo prevent the sustained suspension of DDL operations due to lock conflicts with cross-node parallel queries, you can configure the duration for which the operations have to wait. If the lockout duration ends, cross-node parallel queries are forcibly interrupted and the operations continue to be performed.
Optimized featureParallel playback for read-only nodesPlayback is accelerated for read-only nodes by using multithreading. This reduces the latency of synchronization between the primary node and read-only nodes. N/A

Ganos V4.1

Optimized featureST_ImportFrom functionThe ST_ImportFrom function is optimized to allow OSS objects to be mapped to files in memory and accelerate data import. ST_ImportFrom and ganos.raster.memory_oss_file_max_size
GiST and TrajGisT indexingThe trajgist_ops_multi operator family is supported for Generalized Search Tree (GiST) and TrajGisT indexing. You can create a GiST or TrajGisT index on multiple bounding boxes. GiST indexing, TrajGiST indexing, and ganos.trajectory.index_split_config
Fixed issueVector pyramids are optimized to support queries of metadata.
The issue that memory leaks when Ganos is used to check whether two trajectories intersect is fixed.

September 2021

Minor version 1.1.16

New featureSupport for the AssertOp operator in cross-node parallel executionThe AssertOp operator is supported by the cross-node parallel execution feature to check runtime constraints on the executor. Cross-node parallel execution
Dynamic partition pruning in cross-node parallel executionDynamic partition pruning is supported by the cross-node parallel execution feature to improve the performance of hash joins for partitioned tables.
Optimized featureSupport for constant expressions in cross-node parallel executionConstant expressions are supported by the cross-node parallel execution feature. N/A
Operator-level memory limitsOperator-level memory limits can be used to reduce out of memory (OOM) risks and improve the stability of PolarDB. N/A

Ganos V4.0

Optimized featureFunctions that are used to compute raster surfacesThe functions that are used to compute raster surfaces are optimized. The optimized functions return raster objects instead of pixel matrices. ST_Aspect, ST_Slope, and ST_Hillshade
ST_Split functionThe ST_Split function is optimized. The optimized function splits a trajectory object based on a specified rule and returns an array of sub-trajectories. ST_Split
Fixed issueThe issue that the ST_SrEqual function fails to check whether two spatial reference systems are the same in specific scenarios is fixed.

July 2021

Minor version 1.1.14

New featureCompatibility with GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) 9PolarDB for PostgreSQL is compatible with GCC 9.2.1. This can optimize compilation and improve performance. N/A

Ganos V3.9

New featureST_RemoveDriftPoints functionThe ST_RemoveDriftPoints function is supported. This function is used to delete drift points from a trajectory based on specified rules. ST_removeDriftPoints
ST_Split functionThe ST_Split function is supported. This function is used to split a trajectory based on a specified geometry object. ST_Split
ST_ExportTo functionThe ST_ExportTo function is supported. This function is used to export a trajectory from a database to an external file for storage. Only metadata is retained in the database. ST_ExportTo
ST_IsExternal functionThe ST_IsExternal function is supported. This function is used to check whether a trajectory is stored in an external file. ST_IsExternal
ST_ImportFrom functionThe ST_ImportFrom function is supported. This function is used to import a trajectory from an external file back to a database. ST_importFrom
ST_StorageLocation functionThe ST_StorageLocation function is supported. This function is used to return the external location of a trajectory. ST_StorageLocation
ST_AKID functionThe ST_AKID function is supported. This function is used to return an AccessKey ID that is used to read a trajectory from OSS. ST_AKID
ST_SetAccessKey functionThe ST_SetAccessKey function is supported. This function is used to configure an AccessKey pair that is used to read a trajectory from OSS. An AccessKey pair consists of an AccessKey ID and an AccessKey secret. An AccessKey ID is similar to a logon username, and an AccessKey secret is similar to a password. ST_SetAccessKey
ST_SetAKID functionThe ST_SetAKID function is supported. This function is used to configure an AccessKey ID that is used to read a trajectory from OSS. ST_SetAkId
ST_SetAKSecret functionThe ST_SetAKSecret function is supported. This function is used to configure an AccessKey secret that is used to read a trajectory from OSS. ST_SetAkSecret
ST_SetStorageLocation functionThe ST_SetStorageLocation function is supported. This function is used to configure the external location from which a trajectory can be read. ST_SetStorageLocation
ST_DeleteGtf functionThe ST_DeleteGtf function is supported. This function is used to delete all exported trajectory files in a specified folder. ST_DeleteGTF
Fixed issueThe issue that data cannot be filtered based on strings when a vector pyramid is being created is fixed.
The issue that layers cannot be displayed when QGIS is connected is fixed.

June 2021

Minor version 1.1.13

New featureDisplay of I/O statistics in the polar_stat_sql and polar_stat_plan views
  • The relevant resource information can be obtained by querying different views. This can help identify performance issues.
  • Performance diagnostics is supported by PolarDB for PostgreSQL. This allows you to analyze performance issues related to instances and SQL queries.
  • Relevant parameters are supported to display I/O statistics in the polar_stat_sql and polar_stat_plan views.
Performance views and Performance diagnostics
Cross-node parallel executionThe polar_bt_write_page_buffer_size parameter is supported. This parameter specifies the write I/O policy that is used when an index is being created. Overview of cross-node parallel execution
Cross-node parallel execution can be used to scan Block Range Indexes (BRIN indexes). This further improves query performance. Accelerate index creation
Optimized featurepolar_crash_recovery_rto parameterThe polar_crash_recovery_rto parameter is supported. This parameter specifies an expected recovery time objective (RTO) for an instance. This ensures that databases on an instance can restart for recovery and become available within the expected RTO when the instance fails. N/A

Ganos V3.8

New featureST_AsDatasetFile functionThe ST_AsDatasetFile function is supported. This function is used to return a specified range of raster objects as a binary stream in a specified file format. ST_AsDatasetFile
ST_RasterDrivers functionThe ST_RasterDrivers function is supported. This function is used to query the status of all raster data drivers. ST_RasterDrivers
Fixed issueThe following issue is fixed: A reprojection fails when you use the ST_Clip function to specify a spatial reference system for the reprojection.

May 2021

Minor version 1.1.12

New featureParallel executionCross-node parallel execution is supported.
  • SQL queries can be performed across multiple read-only nodes in a distributed manner. This improves the query performance of PolarDB for PostgreSQL.
  • Cross-node parallel execution can be used to accelerate the creation of indexes in scenarios in which large tables are used.
Cross-node parallel execution
Optimized featurePerformance monitoringThe max_slot_wal_keep_size parameter is supported. This parameter is used to limit the size of files that use replication slots. This can prevent the accumulation of Write-Ahead Logging (WAL) files. N/A
polar_resource_group plug-inMultiple parameters including total_mem_limit_remain_size, idle_mem_limit_rate, enable_terminate_active, policy_mem_release, and enable_log can be used to configure the polar_resource_group plug-in. This prevents excessive usage of memory and ensures the normal running of database processes. N/A
Optimized startup speed of read-only nodesThe startup of read-only nodes is optimized. This improves performance. N/A
FailoverThe parallel playback feature can be used to accelerate the recovery of database services after a failover. In most cases, the database services can be recovered within 15 seconds after a primary database fails. N/A

Ganos V3.7

New featureSpatio-temporal parallel querySpatial indexes can be queried in parallel. This improves query efficiency. Enable the spatio-temporal parallel query feature
Optimized featureRaster image processingThe ST_SubRaster function can be used to convert the pixel types of raster objects and increase the pixel values. This function can also be used to convert multi-band remote sensing images into three-band images that can be recognized by AI technologies. ST_SubRaster
Fixed issueThe issue that Ganos unexpectedly exits when Ganos parses invalid histograms is fixed.
The issue that Ganos unexpectedly exits after projection settings are modified is fixed.
The issue that Ganos unexpectedly exits when raster data is imported into Ganos is fixed.

April 2021

Minor version 1.1.11

New featureidle_session_timeout parameter

The idle_session_timeout parameter is supported. This parameter specifies the period during which sessions can remain idle before the sessions time out. Sessions are terminated after they time out.

  • Valid values: 0 to 2147483647

    The default value 0 specifies that the timeout feature is disabled for idle sessions.

  • Unit
    • 'ms': milliseconds. This is the default unit.
    • 's': seconds.
    • 'min': minutes.
    • 'h': hours.
    • 'd': days.
Fixed issueThe following issue is fixed: The built-in DBMS_JOB package cannot be used across databases.
The following issue is fixed: The CONNECT BY clause and the ROWNUM function cannot be used together.
The following issue is fixed: The CONNECT BY clause cannot find parent objects.

Ganos V3.6

New featureRaster data typeThe ST_RPCGeoreference function is supported. This function is used to retrieve the information about rational polynomial coefficients (RPCs) of a raster object. ST_RPCGeoreference
The ST_SetRPCGeoreference function is supported. This function is used to specify RPC parameters for a raster object. ST_SetRPCGeoreference
The ST_RPCRectify function is supported. This function is used to rectify a raster object based on the RPC parameters and return the rectified raster object. ST_RPCRectify
GiST indexingA parallel mechanism is added. This mechanism is used to create GiST indexes in parallel. Create spatial indexes in parallel
Fixed issueThe following issue is fixed: When you use the pg_dump utility, custom spatial references cannot be exported.

March 2021

Minor version 1.1.10

Optimized featurePerformance improvementsThe I/O performance of reading data files can be improved by caching information about table sizes into shared memory. N/A

Ganos V3.5

New featureStorage optimization for large spatio-temporal objectsThe Simple storage policy is supported. This policy optimizes storage for large spatio-temporal objects. Use the Simple storage policy
Optimized featureRaster objectThe chunked data in a raster object can be automatically deleted when the raster object is updated by using a new raster object. N/A
Fixed issueThe issue that trajectory-related plug-ins cannot be upgraded is fixed.
The issue that resampling errors are returned when the Average resampling method is used to resample rasters is fixed.
The issue that inaccurate results are returned for queries on a trajectory object is fixed. This issue is triggered when multiple timestamps display the same trajectory point along the trajectory.
The issue that Ganos exits when geo-spatial objects failed to be converted is fixed. Ganos is optimized to report the causes of the failures.

Minor version 1.1.9

New featureAWR for performance monitoringAutomatic Workload Repository (AWR) is supported. AWR collects and analyzes performance statistics. You can use AWR to generate an analytical report for a specified period based on statistics such as dynamic views of a database. This allows you to analyze the database performance within the specified period. N/A
Optimized featureWALThe pipeline technology is supported. This technology is used to reduce the proportion of WAL overhead. This can improve overall system performance. N/A
Fixed issueInvalid SIGHUP signals are deleted.
The following issue is fixed: The return values of functions are truncated because the functions are not declared in the Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) feature.
The following issue is fixed: The roaringbitmap plug-in encounters an "illegal memory access" error when invalid parameters are specified.
The following issue is fixed: If the synchronization latency is high when logs are synchronized from a primary node to read-only nodes, the read-only nodes may not immediately provide feedback on streaming replication to the primary node. As a result, the streaming replication is interrupted.

Ganos V3.4

New featureStorage optimization for large spatio-temporal objectsThe feature signatures of large spatio-temporal objects are supported. This accelerates the creation of indexes on spatio-temporal data, improves the efficiency of spatial queries, and optimizes the storage modes of spatio-temporal objects. The polar_enable_storage_partial parameter is also supported. You can configure this parameter to allow the metadata of spatio-temporal objects to be stored in-row and the entity data of spatio-temporal objects to be stored off-row. Feature signature-based storage optimization for large spatio-temporal objects
Parallel execution of functions supported by the raster moduleThe ST_ImportFrom function is supported. This function is used to import raster data in parallel. ST_ImportFrom
The ST_BuildPyramid function is supported. This function is used to create pyramids in parallel based on raster data. ST_BuildPyramid
Trajectory EmptyEmpty trajectory objects are supported, and null trajectory objects can be returned when the specified requirements are not met. N/A
Fixed issueThe issue that the ST_AddZ function returns inaccurate results is fixed. This issue is triggered when the values of input parameters are 16-bit signed integers.
The issue that the trajectory module cannot be upgraded is fixed.
The issue that specific functions of the trajectory module cannot use indexes is fixed.
The issue that specific ND functions cannot run as expected is fixed. If this issue is triggered, the ND functions cannot identify two periods of time that do not intersect and consequently return the value error rather than the value false.

January 2021

Minor version 1.1.8

Optimized featurePBPBy default, the persistent buffer pool for a primary node is enabled. N/A
Fixed issueThe following issue is fixed: When logical replication is used to synchronize DBMS_JOB tables that do not have primary keys, tasks fail to be deleted.
The following issue is fixed: A memory leak occurs in the processes of resource groups when the memory usage exceeds the upper limit.

Ganos V3.3

New featureST_JaccardSimilarity functionThe ST_JaccardSimilarity function is supported. This function is used to calculate the similarity between trajectory objects. ST_JaccardSimilarity
ST_Transform functionThe ST_Transform function is supported. This function is used to transform the coordinate of a trajectory between spatial reference systems. ST_Transform
Optimized featureVector pyramidA new parameter is provided. This parameter is used to specify the spatial extent of a vector pyramid when Ganos cannot automatically calculate the spatial extent of the vector pyramid that users want to build. N/A
Fixed issueThe issue that data catalogs are invalid is fixed.

December 2020

Minor version 1.1.7

New featureCompatibilityThis minor version is compatible with PostgreSQL 11.9.20. N/A

Ganos V3.2

New featureST_AsPNGBYTEA-type images can be returned for vector pyramids. This feature can be used to visualize vector data. ST_AsPNG
Raster dataThe JPEG 2000 compression algorithm is added. This algorithm is used to compress 16-bit raster data before the data is stored. N/A
Optimized featurest_dwithinThe ST_DWithin function is optimized to query distances at higher performance. N/A
Fixed issueThe issue that an improper intersection of trajectory objects exists on the t axis is fixed.
The issues related to the memory topology indexes that are supported by Ganos are fixed.

November 2020

Minor version 1.1.6

New featureCompatibilityThis minor version is compatible with PostgreSQL 11.9. N/A
FailoverBy default, the OnlinePromote feature is enabled. This feature reduces the amount of time that is consumed by a failover and improves the availability of a cluster. Automatic failover and manual failover
Fixed issueThe following issue is fixed: A node does not smoothly restart in specific scenarios.
The following issue is fixed: Instances do not respond due to OOM errors in specific scenarios.
The following issue is fixed: Read-only nodes do not respond in some scenarios.

October 2020

Ganos V3.1

New featureTrajectory data typeGiST indexes are supported for trajectory objects, and six operator families are provided for users to create GiST indexes in six dimensions. N/A
The BOXND data type is added. This data type is used to describe the spatio-temporal extents of trajectory objects and store trajectory objects. N/A
The following operators are supported: the && operator, the @> operator, and the <@ operator. The operators are used to compare the spatio-temporal relationships between two specified objects from various dimensions. The && operator is used to check whether the two specified objects intersect. The @> operator is used to check whether the left operand-specified object includes the right operand-specified object. The <@ operator is used to check whether the left operand-specified object is included in the right operand-specified object. N/A
The ST_ndIntersects, ST_ndDWithin, ST_ndContains, and ST_ndWithin functions are added to process trajectories.
New features are added. The features are used to collect statistics about trajectory objects and estimate scan costs based on the statistics. N/A
TrajGiST indexes are supported. TrajGiST indexing is an optimized indexing method. N/A
ganos_update functionThe ganos_update function is added. Users can run the select ganos_update() ; command to upgrade all plug-ins of Ganos to the latest versions. N/A
Optimized featureSpatio-temporal range querySpatio-temporal range queries are optimized. The query performance is improved by using optimized GiST index-based two-phase queries. N/A
Vector pyramidSource data from all coordinate systems that provide spatial reference identifiers (SRIDs) is supported. The source data can be tiles that are based on the EPSG:3857 or EPSG:4326 coordinate reference system. N/A
The pixelSize parameter is supported. This parameter is used to aggregate point data and reduce the number of tiles. N/A
Fixed issueThe issue that rasters failed to be updated is fixed.
The following issue is fixed: An unexpected exit may occur after the binary files of Ganos are upgraded to later versions.
The issue that an abnormally large number of tiles at the top layer of a vector pyramid exists when the default parameter settings are used to build point data for the vector pyramid is fixed.

September 2020

Minor version 1.1.4

New featureali_decoding plug-inThe ali_decoding plug-in is supported. This plug-in is used to synchronize incremental DML statements between databases. N/A
ViewsThe views that display process status statistics are added. N/A
The views that display time consumption statistics for SQL statements are added. N/A
Audit loggingSQL errors are recorded in audit logs. N/A
Fixed issueThe following issue is fixed: Page prefetching may cause deadlocks in specific scenarios.
The following issue is fixed: A JOIN query fails to retrieve the accurate partition during partition pruning.

Ganos V3.0

New featureSupport for the subset raster in a NetCDF raster file that has multiple subsetsNetwork Common Data Form (NetCDF) files that contain subsets are supported. The files can be imported into specified layers based on the layer names that users specify. N/A
Custom metadata and time series information of rastersThe ST_MetaItems function is supported. This function is used to obtain the names of all custom metadata items. ST_MetaItems
The ST_MetaData function is supported. This function is used to obtain custom metadata items of a raster and return custom metadata items in the JSON format. ST_MetaData
The ST_SetMetaData function is supported. This function is used to specify a metadata item. ST_SetMetaData
The ST_BeginDateTime function is supported. This function is used to obtain the start time of a raster. ST_BeginDateTime
The ST_EndDateTime function is supported. This function is used to obtain the end time of a raster. ST_EndDateTime
The ST_SetBeginDateTime function is supported. This function is used to configure the start time of a raster. ST_SetBeginDateTime
The ST_SetEndDateTime function is supported. This function is used to configure the end time of a raster. ST_SetEndDateTime
The ST_SetDateTime function is supported. This function is used to configure the start time and end time of a raster and the time when a band is obtained. ST_SetDateTime
Support for converting a raster into a BYTEA-type imageThe ST_AsImage function is supported. This function is used to convert a raster into a BYTEA-type image. ST_AsImage
The ST_AsPng function is supported. This function is used to convert a raster into a BYTEA-type PNG image. ST_AsPNG
The ST_AsJPEG function is supported. This function is used to convert a raster into a BYTEA-type JPEG image. ST_AsJPEG
Support for the GeomGrid data type and operationsThe GeomGrid data type is supported. GeomGrid SQL reference
The ST_AsText function is supported. This function is used to convert a grid into a text representation. ST_AsText
The ST_AsGeometry function is supported. This function is used to obtain the geometric representation of a grid. ST_AsGeometry
The ST_AsBinary function is supported. This function is used to convert a grid into a binary representation. ST_AsBinary
The ST_AsBox function is supported. This function is used to obtain the box representation of a grid. ST_AsBox
The ST_AsGrid function is supported. This function is used to query the grids that intersect with a geometric object. ST_AsGrid
The ST_GridFromText function is supported. This function is used to convert a grid from a text representation into a GeomGrid representation. ST_GridFromText
The ST_GridFromBinary function is supported. This function is used to convert a grid from a binary representation into a GeomGrid representation. ST_GridFromBinary
The ST_Intersects function is supported. This function is used to identify the spatial relationship between two raster objects or between a raster object and a geometric object. This function allows you to check whether the first specified object intersects with the second specified object. ST_Intersects
The ST_Contains function is supported. This function is used to identify the spatial relationship between two raster objects or between a raster object and a geometric object. This function allows you to check whether the first specified object contains the second specified object. ST_Contains
The ST_Within function is supported. This function is used to identify the spatial relationship between two grid objects or between a grid object and a geometric object. This function allows you to check whether the first specified object is within the second specified object. ST_Within
Rapid display and storage of vector dataThe ST_BuildPyramid function is supported. This function is used to create a vector pyramid. ST_BuildPyramid
The ST_DeletePyramid function is supported. This function is used to delete a vector pyramid. ST_DeletePyramid
The ST_Tile function is supported. This function is used to obtain vector data in the MVT format. ST_Tile
Fixed issueThe following issue is fixed: OOM errors occur when you create pyramids in specific cases.
The following issue is fixed: Trajectory objects on January 1, 2000 cannot be created.
The issue that the ST_Intersection function returns inaccurate sub-trajectories for a moving object is fixed.
The following issue is fixed: The system stops responding when a Ganos is upgraded.
This minor version is compatible with PostGIS 2.5.4.

August 2020

Minor version 1.1.3

New featureViewsThe views that display SQL execution statistics are added. N/A
The views that display queries per second (QPS) statistics are added. N/A
The views that display CGroup status statistics are added. N/A
Fixed issueThe following issue is fixed: An error occurs when the Segmented Least Recently Used (SLRU) algorithm is used to calculate the memory size.
The following issue is fixed: Read-only nodes are recreated due to a playback latency.

Ganos V2.9

New featureSupport for Cloud Optimized GeoTIFF (COG) filesThe COG files are supported. The pyramid information that is stored in COG files can be read. N/A
ST_AddZ functionThe ST_AddZ function is supported. This function is used to specify the Z coordinate of a geometry object based on the pixel value of the raster that is converted from the geometry object. ST_AddZ
Enhanced capabilities for obtaining the spatial extent information about raster objectsThe ST_Extent function is supported. This function is used to retrieve the spatial extent of a raster object and return the box representation of the raster object. ST_Extent
The ST_Envelope function is supported. This function is used to retrieve the spatial extent of a raster object and return the spatial extent in the format of a geometry object. ST_Envelope
The ST_ConvexHull function is supported. This function is used to retrieve the spatial extent of a raster object and return the spatial extent in the format of a geometry object. ST_ConvexHull
The ST_Height function is supported. This function is used to retrieve the pixel height of a raster object. ST_Height
The ST_Width function is supported. This function is used to retrieve the pixel width of a raster object. ST_Width
Fixed issueThe following issue is fixed: Performance bottlenecks occur when raster objects that are stored in external storage locations use a chunking dimension of 1 × n. You can configure storage parameters to customize the size of the chunking dimension.
The issue that the ST_Values function returns linear objects whose coordinates on specific axes do not follow the sorting rules is fixed.
The issue that the ST_BestPyramidLevel function returns negative values is fixed
The issue that the ST_BuildPyramid function repeatedly builds pyramids is fixed.
The issue that chunk tables cannot be cleared in a timely manner when you truncate raster tables is fixed.
The issue that the ST_ExportTo function cannot be used for the CreateOption parameter is fixed.
The issue that errors are returned when the ST_ClearChunks function is invoked is fixed. This issue is triggered when the name of the table on which the function is invoked contains uppercase and lowercase letters.
The issue that an overview cannot be created for an external pyramid is fixed.
The issue that an internal pyramid cannot be created for a raster that has an external pyramid is fixed.
The issue that inaccurate statistics are returned for queries on rasters is fixed. This issue is triggered when the rasters contain NaN values.

July 2020

Minor version 1.1.2

New featureTemporary tableTemporary tables can be written to local storage. This improves the read and write performance of temporary tables. N/A
Event triggerLogical replication can be performed on events captured by the event trigger. Accounts that have the polar_superuser permissions can perform logical replication. N/A
Custom resource groupRequests can be initiated by custom resource groups. N/A
Optimized featureProcess of recovery from a failureThe process to recover from a failure is optimized. This reduces the amount of time that is required to recover from a failure in extreme cases. N/A
Fixed issueThe following issue is fixed: Accounts that have the polar_superuser permissions cannot use Index Advisor.

Ganos V2.8

New featureEnhanced interfaces that are used to access raster metadataThe ST_XMin function is supported. This function is used to obtain the minimum value in a set of rasters on the X-axis. ST_XMin
The ST_YMin function is supported. This function is used to obtain the minimum value in a set of rasters on the Y-axis. ST_YMin
The ST_XMax function is supported. This function is used to obtain the maximum value in a set of rasters on the X-axis. ST_XMax
The ST_YMax function is supported. This function is used to obtain the maximum value in a set of rasters on the Y-axis. ST_YMax
The ST_ChunkHeight function is supported. This function is used to obtain the height of a raster tile. ST_ChunkHeight
The ST_ChunkWidth function is supported. This function is used to obtain the width of a raster tile. ST_ChunkWidth
The ST_ChunkBands function is supported. This function is used to obtain the number of bands of a raster tile. ST_ChunkBands
ST_SrFromEsriWkt functionThe ST_SrFromEsriWkt function is supported. This function is used to convert the format of a spatial reference string from Esri into Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC). ST_SrFromEsriWkt
Raster data typeThe Zstandard (Zstd) compression algorithm and the Snappy compression algorithm are added. The algorithms are used to compress raster data. N/A
Point cloud data typePoint cloud files can be copied in the binary format. N/A
Environment variableThe PROJ_LIB and GDAL_DATA environment variables can be configured, and the relevant data can be deployed. N/A
Fixed issueThe issue that Ganos unexpectedly exits when an invalid OSS path is specified is fixed.
The issue that inconsistencies are detected between imported SRIDs and original SRIDs of specific rasters is fixed.

June 2020

Minor version 1.1.1

New featurepolar_proxy_utils plug-inThe polar_proxy_utils plug-in is supported. This plug-in is used to manage proxy-related features. This plug-in allows you to configure read-only Universal Disk Format (UDF) files and read-only tables. This plug-in also allows you to use a cluster endpoint to route requests for accessing read-only UDF files and read-only tables to the read-only nodes in the cluster. N/A
polar_resource_group plug-inThe polar_resource_group plug-in is supported. This plug-in is used to customize resource groups. You can use the custom resource groups to isolate resources such as CPUs and memory on a per-user, per-database, or per-session basis. N/A
Optimized featureReliability and availabilityThe compute nodes of databases are decoupled from file systems. This allows you to perform O&M operations on the file systems. This improves the reliability and availability of databases. N/A
Transaction processingThe snapshot of the active transaction list is replaced with a commit sequence number (CSN). A CSN is a monotonically increasing identifier. This improves the transaction processing performance of databases. N/A
Execution planExecution plans are optimized to prevent obsolete statistics from being used. N/A
Fixed issueThe following issue is fixed: A database process failure occurs when the timescaledb plug-in fails to request memory resources.
The following issue is fixed: The I/O monitoring feature does not provide data statistics after a process exits.
The following issue is fixed: A null pointer exception may occur after lock_debug is enabled.
The following issue is fixed: The pg_cron plug-in becomes unavailable in specific cases.
Known issues of distributed shared memory (DSM) deadlocks in the community edition are fixed.
The following issue is fixed: The number of connections exceeds the upper limit.

May 2020

Minor version 1.1.0

New featurepolar_concurrency_control plug-inThe polar_concurrency_control plug-in is supported. This plug-in is used to configure a concurrency limit for transaction executions, SQL queries, stored procedures, and DML operations. You can customize large queries and configure a concurrency limit for large queries to improve the execution efficiency in high concurrency scenarios. N/A
oss_fdw plug-inThe oss_fdw plug-in is supported. This plug-in is used to support external tables of Alibaba Cloud OSS. You can use OSS external tables to write data of databases to OSS or load data from OSS to databases. You can use multiple external tables in parallel or compress data during imports and exports. This improves the performance of data imports and exports. You can also use this feature to separate hot data and cold data that are stored in a wide range of storage media. oss_fdw
Optimized featurepolar_stat_activity viewThe polar_stat_activity view is optimized. The wait_info and wait_time columns are added. The wait_info column displays the object for which the current process is waiting. The wait_time column displays the amount of time for which the process needs to wait. If the object is a process, the process identifier (PID) is displayed. If the object is a file, the file descriptor (FD) is displayed. N/A
IndexingThe pre-extension feature is supported. This feature automatically adds additional index pages when index pages are insufficient for new indexes. This improves the execution performance when data is inserted into a table that has indexes. N/A

Ganos V2.7

New featureMD5 functionsThe ST_MD5Sum function is supported. This function is used to obtain the MD5 hash value of a raster object. ST_MD5Sum
The ST_SetMD5Sum function is supported. This function is used to configure the MD5 hash value of a raster object. ST_SetMD5Sum
Authentication method of spatial raster objects that are stored in OSSThe ST_AKId function is supported. This function is used to obtain the AccessKey ID that is used to access a raster object stored in OSS.ST_AKId
The ST_SetAccessKey function is supported. This function is used to configure the AccessKey ID and the AccessKey secret that are used to access a raster object stored in OSS. ST_SetAccessKey
The ST_SetAKId function is supported. This function is used to configure the AccessKey ID that is used to access a raster object stored in OSS. ST_SetAKId
The ST_SetAKSecret function is supported. This function is used to configure the AccessKey secret that is used to access a raster object stored in OSS. ST_SetAKSecret
Functions that are used to manage spatial raster metadataThe ST_ScaleX function is supported. This function is used to obtain the pixel width of a raster object on the X-axis of the spatial reference system. ST_ScaleX
The ST_ScaleY function is supported. This function is used to obtain the pixel width of a raster object on the Y-axis of the spatial reference system. ST_ScaleY
The ST_SetScale function is supported. This function is used to configure the pixel width of a raster object in the spatial reference system. ST_SetScale
The ST_SkewX function is supported. This function is used to obtain the skew of a raster object on the X-axis of the spatial reference system. ST_SkewX
The ST_SkewY function is supported. This function is used to obtain the skew of a raster object on the Y-axis of the spatial reference system. ST_SkewY
The ST_SetSkew function is supported. This function is used to specify the skew of a raster object in the spatial reference system. ST_SetSkew
The ST_UpperLeftX function is supported. This function is used to obtain the upper-left X-coordinate of a raster object in the spatial reference system. ST_UpperLeftX
The ST_UpperLeftY function is supported. This function is used to obtain the upper-left Y-coordinate of a raster object in the spatial reference system. ST_UpperLeftY
The ST_SetUpperLeft function is supported. This function is used to configure the upper-left coordinates of a raster object in the spatial reference system. ST_SetUpperLeft
The ST_PixelWidth function is supported. This function is used to obtain the pixel width of a raster object in the spatial reference system. ST_PixelWidth
The ST_PixelHeight function is supported. This function is used to obtain the pixel height of a raster object in the spatial reference system. ST_PixelHeight
Fixed issueThe following issue is fixed: Aggregate functions result in extension upgrade failures.