Alibaba Cloud Time Series Database (TSDB) for InfluxDB® is a time series database that is designed to process high write and query workloads. It is fully compatible with InfluxDB 1.8. TSDB for InfluxDB® can be used to store and analyze large amounts of time series data, such as data of DevOps monitoring, application metrics, and IoT sensors.
TSDB for InfluxDB® is an optimal service for you to process time series data. It has the following benefits:
Provides high-performance storage specific to time series data. The Time-Structured Merge Tree (TSM) engine is used to provide features such as high-speed reads and writes and high-performance data compression.
Provides efficient HTTP API operations to write and query data.
Allows you to query and aggregate time series data by using an SQL-like query language.
Allows you to create indexes for tags to improve query performance.
Provides retention policies to automatically clear obsolete data.