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ApsaraDB for ClickHouse:Import data from OSS

Last Updated:Mar 24, 2025

You can use table engines or table functions to import data from Object Storage Service (OSS) to ApsaraDB for ClickHouse for log query, analysis, and processing. This topic describes how to import data from OSS to ApsaraDB for ClickHouse.


  • OSS is activated. For more information about how to activate OSS, see the Activate OSS section of the Get started by using the OSS console topic.

  • A bucket is created. The bucket and the ApsaraDB for ClickHouse cluster are deployed in the same region. For more information about how to create a bucket, see the Create a bucket section of the Get started by using the OSS console topic.

  • The Alibaba Cloud account that is used to access the OSS bucket is granted the read permissions on the objects in the bucket. For more information about how to grant permissions, see Overview.

Data preparations

Store the following test data in a CSV file named test.csv and upload the file to OSS. When you import data, the default column delimiter supported by the ApsaraDB for ClickHouse cluster is a comma (,). For more information about how to upload data, see the Upload an object section of the Get started by using the OSS console topic.



  1. Connect to the ApsaraDB for ClickHouse cluster. For more information, see Connect to an ApsaraDB for ClickHouse cluster.

  2. Create a local table named oss_test_tbl_local.

    • The ApsaraDB for ClickHouse table must use the same schema as the OSS external table and be compatible with the data formats in the OSS external table (especially in case of null fields). This prevents cluster issues caused by data parsing failures.

    • You must execute a statement based on the edition of the ApsaraDB for ClickHouse cluster to create a local table. You can click Cluster Information in the left-side navigation pane and view the edition of the cluster in the Cluster Properties section.

    • You can select a table engine based on your business requirements. For more information about table engines, see Table engines.

    Statement used to create a local table in a cluster of Single-replica Edition

    CREATE TABLE oss_test_tbl_local ON CLUSTER default
    id UInt8,
    user_name String,
    age UInt16,
    city String,
    access_url String
    ENGINE = MergeTree()
    ORDER BY id;

    Statement used to create a local table in a cluster of Double-replica Edition

    CREATE TABLE oss_test_tbl_local ON CLUSTER default
    id UInt8,
    user_name String,
    age UInt16,
    city String,
    access_url String
    ENGINE = ReplicatedMergeTree('/clickhouse/tables/{database}/{table}/{shard}', '{replica}')
    ORDER BY id;
  3. (Optional) Create a distributed table named oss_test_tbl_distributed.


    If you want to distribute data to the local tables in a collection, you must create a distributed table.

    CREATE TABLE oss_test_tbl_distributed ON CLUSTER default
    id UInt8,
    user_name String,
    age UInt16,
    city String,
    access_url String
    ENGINE = Distributed(default, default, oss_test_tbl_local, rand());
  4. Import data from OSS to ApsaraDB for ClickHouse.

    You can use a table engine or a table function to import data from OSS to ApsaraDB for ClickHouse.


    You must execute a statement based on the kernel version of the cluster to create an OSS external table. You can click Cluster Information in the left-side navigation pane and view the kernel version of the cluster in the Cluster Properties section.

    Method 1: Use a table engine to import data from OSS

    1. Create an OSS external table named oss_test_tbl.

      Syntax used to create an OSS external table in a cluster of a version earlier than 22.8

      CREATE TABLE <table_name> [ON CLUSTER cluster]
      'col_name1' col_type1,
      'col_name2' col_type2,
      ENGINE = OSS('<oss-endpoint>', '<access-key-id>', '<access-key-secret>', '<oss-file-path>', '<file-format-name>');

      Syntax used to create an OSS external table in a cluster of version 22.8 or later

      CREATE TABLE <table_name> [ON CLUSTER cluster]
      'col_name1' col_type1,
      'col_name2' col_type2,
      ENGINE = OSS('https://<BucketName>.<oss-endpoint>/<file-name>', '<access-key-id>', '<access-key-secret>', '<file-format-name>');

      The following table describes the parameters.




      The name of the table.

      ON CLUSTER cluster

      Specifies that a local table is created on each node. Set the value to ON CLUSTER default.


      The names of the columns.


      The data types of the columns.


      The schema of the OSS external table must correspond to the schema of the CSV file that contains the data in OSS.


      The name of the bucket.


      The endpoint that is used to access OSS. For more information, see Regions and endpoints.


      Make sure that the bucket and the ApsaraDB for ClickHouse cluster are deployed in the same region, and that you can access OSS over a virtual private cloud (VPC).


      The name of the file.


      The AccessKey ID that you want to use to access the data in OSS. For more information, see How do I obtain an AccessKey pair?


      The AccessKey secret that you want to use to access the data in OSS. For more information, see How do I obtain an AccessKey pair?


      The storage path of the CSV file that you uploaded. The path is in the oss://<bucket-name>/<path-to-file> format.


      The oss-file-path parameter supports fuzzy matching in which wildcard characters are used. For more information, see the Use wildcard characters to perform fuzzy matching for storage paths in OSS section of this topic.


      The format of the file. In this topic, the CSV format is used.

      Sample statements:

      Sample statement used to create an OSS external table in a cluster of a version earlier than 22.8

      CREATE TABLE oss_test_tbl on cluster default
      id UInt8,
      user_name String,
      age UInt16,
      city String,
      access_url String
      ENGINE = OSS('', '******', '******', 'oss://testBucketName/test.csv', 'CSV');

      Sample statement used to create an OSS external table in a cluster of version 22.8 or later

      CREATE TABLE oss_test_tbl on cluster default
      id UInt8,
      user_name String,
      age UInt16,
      city String,
      access_url String
      ENGINE = OSS('', '******', '******','CSV')
    2. Import data from the OSS external table oss_test_tbl to the distributed table oss_test_tbl_distributed.


      If you need to import data from OSS only to the local table, replace the name of the distributed table in the INSERT INTO statement with the name of the local table.

      INSERT INTO oss_test_tbl_distributed SELECT * FROM oss_test_tbl;

      If a comma (,) is not used as the column delimiter of the CSV file that you want to import, you must use the format_csv_delimiter parameter in the INSERT INTO statement to specify another column delimiter. For example, if a vertical bar (|) is used as the column delimiter of your CSV file, execute the following statement:

      INSERT INTO oss_test_tbl_distributed SELECT * FROM oss_test_tbl settings format_csv_delimiter='|';

    Method 2: Use a table function to import data from OSS

    Syntax used to import data from OSS to a cluster of a version earlier than 22.8

    INSERT INTO <table_name> SELECT * FROM oss('<oss-endpoint>', '<access-key-id>', '<access-key-secret>', '<oss-file-path>', '<file-format-name>', '<col_name> <col_type>(,...)');

    Syntax used to import data from OSS to a cluster of version 22.8 or later

    INSERT INTO <table_name> SELECT * FROM oss('https://<BucketName>.<oss-endpoint>/<file-name>','<access-key-id>', '<access-key-secret>', '<file-format-name>', '<col_name> <col_type>(,...)');

    For more information about parameters, see the table that describes the parameters of this topic.

    Sample statements:

    Sample statement used to import data from OSS to a cluster of a version earlier than 22.8

    INSERT INTO oss_test_tbl_distributed SELECT * FROM oss('', '******', '******', 'oss://testBucketName/test.csv', 'CSV', 'id UInt8, user_name String, age UInt16, city String, access_url String');

    Sample statement used to import data from OSS to a cluster of version 22.8 or later

    INSERT INTO oss_test_tbl_distributed SELECT * FROM oss('', '******', '******', 'CSV', 'id UInt8, user_name String, age UInt16, city String, access_url String');

    If a comma (,) is not used as the column delimiter of the CSV file that you want to import, you must use the format_csv_delimiter parameter in the INSERT INTO statement to specify another column delimiter. For example, if a vertical bar (|) is used as the column delimiter of your CSV file, execute the following statement:

    INSERT INTO oss_test_tbl_distributed SELECT * FROM oss('<oss-endpoint>', '<access-key-id>', '<access-key-secret>', '<oss-file-path>', '<file-format-name>',  '<col_name> <col_type>(,...)') settings format_csv_delimiter='|';
  5. Query data in the distributed table oss_test_tbl_distributed and check whether the data in OSS is imported to ApsaraDB for ClickHouse.

    SELECT * FROM oss_test_tbl_distributed; 

    The following result is returned:

    │  1 │  yang     │   32  │  shanghai  │  │
    │  2 │  wang     │   22  │  beijing   │  │
    │  3 │  xiao     │   23  │  shenzhen  │  │
    │  4 │  jess     │   45  │  hangzhou  │  │
    │  5 │  jack     │   14  │  shanghai  │  │
    │  6 │  tomy     │   25  │  hangzhou  │  │
    │  7 │  lucy     │   45  │  shanghai  │  │
    │  8 │  tengyin  │   26  │  shanghai  │  │
    │  9 │  wangli   │   27  │  shenzhen  │  │
    │ 10 │  xiaohua  │   37  │  shanghai  │ │

Use wildcard characters to perform fuzzy matching for storage paths in OSS

In most cases, multiple small files in OSS are created based on the same naming conventions. To simplify the analysis of small files, you can use the following wildcard characters when you set the oss-file-path parameter to perform fuzzy matching:

  • *: matches all files or directories. For example, /dir/* matches all files in the /dir directory.

  • {x, y, z}: matches one of the values that are enclosed in the brace {}. For example, file_{x, y, z} matches file_x, file_y, or file_z.

  • {num1..num2}: matches the smallest value, the largest value, or a value between them. For example, file_{1..3} matches file_1, file_2, or file_3.

  • ?: matches a random character. For example, file_? matches file_a, file_b, file_c, or other files whose names are similar.


Files can be uploaded to a directory that uses the following structure:


The following list provides the values of the oss-file-path parameter only for reference:

  • oss://testBucketName/doc-data/oss-import/small_files/*

  • oss://testBucketName/doc-data/oss-import/small_files/access*

  • oss://testBucketName/doc-data/oss-import/small_files/access_log_csv_{1,2,3}.txt

  • oss://testBucketName/doc-data/oss-import/*/access_log_csv_{1,2,3}.txt

  • oss://testBucketName/doc-data/oss-import/*/*

  • oss://testBucketName/doc-data/oss-import/*/access_log_csv_{1..3}.txt

  • oss://testBucketName/doc-data/oss-import/*/access_log_csv_?.txt