help pls. in monthly cost section, subscription is 12.690 $ and this means just 12$ /12 000$? and what happen if i dont pay?. stop will this services?
1st Reply#
Posted time:Aug 19, 2018 19:23 PM
Hey Hi, You can stop your service if you want. If it has happened without your knowledge then you can get a better solution by raising a ticket in the console.
2nd Reply#
Posted time:Aug 19, 2018 19:31 PM
Can you provide the screenshot?
We can give better suggestions if you provide the screenshot. |
3rd Reply#
Posted time:Aug 20, 2018 1:07 AM
It is probable that are $ 12.69 not $ 12,690, in my case, for example pay a test that cost 10 dollars, and the entry in the billing tells me:
Apsara Clouder Specialist Certification Subscription $ 10,000 USD That's 10 dollars, not 10,000 dollars :). |
Posted time:Aug 20, 2018 13:11 PM
Posted time:Nov 12, 2021 15:46 PM
Please provide a screenshot if you want more information