Machine Learning Platform For AI

An end-to-end platform that provides various machine learning algorithms to meet your data mining and analysis requirements.

Machine Learning Platform For AI Pricing


Machine Learning Platform For AI is billed on a Pay-As-You-Go basis. The total service fee is equal to the billing fee of the component you use multiplied by the number of computing hours.

The computing hours are measured by using the formula Max(vCPU cores, memory size/4) x running time (hours).

Logistic Regression Component Example: Requires 8 vCPU cores and 30GB memory and the component has been running for three hours. The logistic component belongs to the data analysis category, where each component is priced at USD 0.21 per computing hour. The total fee is calculated as USD $5.04 (0.21 x Max(8,30/4) x 3). If this task requires 36 GB memory and 8 vCPU cores, the total fee is USD $5.67 (0.21 x Max(8,36/4) x 3).

PAI Studio Component Billing Table

Billing Item Price Available Region
Data Processing US$0.16/Compute Unit/Hour All Regions of PAI
Data Mining and Analysis US$0.21/Compute Unit/Hour All Regions of PAI
NLP US$0.27/Compute Unit/Hour All Regions of PAI
Deep Learning (M40) US$1.308/GPU/Hour China (Beijing)
Deep Learning (P100) US$1.872/GPU/Hour China (Shanghai)

PAI DSW Billing Table

Billing Item Price Available Region
GPU M40 US$1.308/GPU/Hour China (Shanghai)
GPU P100 US$1.872/GPU/Hour China (Beijing),China (Shanghai),Singapore
GPU T4 US$2.382/GPU/Hour China (Beijing),China (Shanghai),Singapore
GPU V100 US$4.5/GPU/Hour China (Beijing),China (Shanghai)
CPU: dsw.large.2core4g US$0.108/Hour China (Beijing),China (Shanghai),Singapore
CPU: dsw.xlarge.4core8g US$0.213/Hour China (Beijing),China (Shanghai),Singapore
CPU: dsw.2xlarge.8core16g US$0.427/Hour China (Beijing),China (Shanghai),Singapore
CPU: dsw.4xlarge.16core32g US$0.848/Hour China (Beijing),China (Shanghai),Singapore
CPU: dsw.6xlarge.24core48g US$1.272/Hour China (Beijing),China (Shanghai),Singapore

PAI EAS Billing Table

Billing Item Price Available Region
EAS(CPU) US$0.06/Quota/Hour China (Beijing),China (Shanghai),China (Hangzhou), Singapore
EAS(P4 Quota) US$1.24/P4 Quota/Hour China (Beijing),China (Shanghai),China (Hangzhou), Singapore
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