Alibaba Cloud Link IoT Platform Pricing
Two editions of IoT Platform are provided, IoT Platform Basic and IoT Platform Pro. For IoT Platform Basic, you only pay for your message usage (counts). For IoT Platform Pro, you pay for your message usage (counts) and device management. The billing method for both editions is Pay-As-You-Go, and you pay only for what you use with no minimum fees.
Billing Items
Billing Policy
Messages Pricing (conversion of bytes to counts)
Messages sent from devices by calling the Pub operation.
Requests sent from devices used to call the RPC interface.
Messages received by devices by calling the Sub operation.
Responses sent from devices used to reply to the Revert-RPC service.
Responses that the server sends to devices.
Messages sent from the server by calling the Revert-RPC interface.
Messages sent from the server by calling the Pub operation.
Operations supported by IoT Platform's free tier
Ping Pong
Pricing examples for IoT Platform
Your device sends one 0.4 KB message every second to IoT Platform. IoT Platform then delivers the message to five other devices and one application. In this case, five devices and one application will receive this specified message. Your fees are calculated as follows:
The size of the message is smaller than 0.5 KB. Therefore, the message is counted as one message.
Sent messages: Monthly total, 1 message/second * 60 seconds/minute * 60 minutes/hour * 24 hours/day * 30 days = 2,592,000 messages
Received messages: Monthly total, 6 devices * 1 message/second * 60 seconds/minute * 60 minutes/hour * 24 hours/day * 30 days = 15,552,000 messages
Total fees: The total message count is 2,592,000 + 15,552,000 =18,144,000. Because of the free 1,000,000 monthly message quota, the actual chargeable message count is deducted to 17.144 million. The total fee is calculated as USD 0.8 * 17.144 = USD 13.72
Your device sends one 0.6 KB message every second to IoT Platform. IoT Platform then stores the message to Table Store. Your fees are calculated as follows:
The size of the message exceeds 0.5 KB. Therefore, the message is counted as two messages.
Sent messages: Monthly total, 2 message/second * 60 seconds/minute * 60 minutes/hour * 24 hours/day * 30 days = 5,184,000 messages
The fee of messages delivered to RDS:IoT Platform does not charge for messages that are delivered by the Rule Engine. This means you do not pay for the messages forwarded to RDS. You are only charged for fees associated with using RDS.
Total fees: The total message count is 5,184,000. Because of the free 1,000,000 message quota, the actual chargeable message count is deducted to 4.184 million. The total fee is USD 0.8 * 4.184 = USD 3.35
Your application device sends one 0.5 KB message every minute to IoT Platform. IoT Platform then delivers the message to 10 other devices. In this case, 10 devices will receive this specified message and then store the message to Table Store. Your fees are calculated as follows:
The size of the message is 0.5 KB. Therefore, the message is counted as one message.
Sent messages: Monthly total, 1 messages/minute * 60 minutes/hour * 24 hours/day * 30 days = 43,200 messages
Received messages: Monthly total, 10 messages/minute * 60 minutes/hour * 24 hours/day * 30 days = 432,000 messages
The charge of messages delivered by Table Store: IoT Platform does not charge for messages that are delivered by the Rule Engine. This means you do not pay for the messages forwarded to Table Store. You are only charged for fees associated with using the Table Store service.
Total fees: No fees apply. The total messages sent and received do not exceed the free monthly message quota of 1,000,000.
A device sends requests to the server by calling the RPC interface: Your device sends one 0.6 KB Request message every minute to IoT Platform. IoT Platform then forwards the message to the server. The server accepts this specified message and replies one 0.4 KB Response message to IoT Platform. IoT Platform then delivers the Response message to your device. Your fees are calculated as follows:
The size of the message exceeds 0.5 KB. Therefore, the message is counted as two messages.
Sent messages: Monthly total, Server (Requests): 2 messages/minute * 60 minutes/hour * 24 hours/day * 30 days = 86,400 messages; Device (Responses): 1 message/minute * 60 minutes/hour * 24 hours/day * 30 days = 43,200 messages.
Total fees: No fees apply. The total messages sent and received do not exceed the free monthly message quota of 1,000,000.
The server controls your device by calling the Revert-RPC interface: The server sends one 0.6 KB Request message every minute to IoT Platform. IoT Platform then forwards the message to your device. Your device accepts the command and replies one 0.4 KB Response message to IoT Platform. IoT Platform then delivers the Response message to the server. Your fees are calculated as follows:
The size of the message exceeds 0.5 KB. Therefore, the message is counted as two messages.
Sent messages: Monthly total, Server (Requests): 2 messages/minute * 60 minutes/hour * 24 hours/day * 30 days = 86,400 messages; Device (Responses): 1 message/minute * 60 minutes/hour * 24 hours/day * 30 days = 43,200 messages.
No fees apply if the total messages sent and received do not exceed the free monthly message quota of 1,000,000.
Billing table
Billable items for IoT Platform Basic and IoT Platform Pro are listed in the following table. For the billable interfaces, see the appendix in this documentation.
Items | Description | IoT Platform Basic | IoT Platform Pro |
Message communication fee (Device) | Messages sent from devices by calling the Pub operation | Yes | Yes |
Requests sent from devices used to call the RPC interface. | Yes | Yes | |
Responses sent from devices used to reply to the Revert-RPC service. | Yes | Yes | |
Messages received by devices by calling the Sub operation. | Yes | Yes | |
Messages sent and received by calling TSL model related interfaces. | NO | Yes | |
Message communication fee (Server) | Messages sent from the server by calling the Pub operation. | Yes | Yes |
Responses that the server sends to devices. | Yes | Yes | |
Messages sent from the server by calling the Revert-RPC interface. | Yes | Yes | |
Messages sent from the server by calling sub-device related interfaces. | Yes | Yes | |
Messages sent from the server by calling TSL model related interfaces. | Yes | Yes | |
Device management fee | You only pay for devices which are active on that day (living devices). | No | Yes |
Free tier message categories | Connect | Yes | Yes |
Disconnect | Yes | Yes | |
Ping pong | Yes | Yes | |
PubAck | Yes | Yes | |
SubAck | Yes | Yes | |
Subscribe | Yes | Yes | |
Unsubscribe | Yes | Yes | |
The messages delivered by the rules engine | Yes | Yes |
Billing methods for message communication
Billing is calculated according to your message usage (counts). See the preceding table to check the billable message categories.
The first 1 million (1,000,000) messages (sent and received) each month are offered as a free quota. The billing cycle starts from the first day of every month at 00:00:00 Beijing Time (UTC+ 8). Unused messages from the free quota do not carry over to the next month.
One billable message count equals a maximum of 512 bytes.
Messages that exceed 512 bytes will be counted as two or more new messages
To calculate the billable message count, divide message size in bytes by 512, and round any resulting value to the next largest integer
USD 0.8 per 1,000,000 messages
Pay by day. Message counts (sent or received) are calculated daily
The value of the payment amount is rounded to two decimal places
Billing methods for device management
Billing is calculated according to your living device amount on the day. That is, you only pay for the device management fee for devices which have performed message communication on the day.
Every Alibaba Cloud account has a free quota of ten living devices each day. If the number of living devices is over ten, the additional devices will be charged for
USD 0.003 per living device per day
Pay by day. The amount is calculated daily
The value of the payment amount is rounded to two decimal places.
Appendix: Billable interfaces
Items | Interface | IoT Platform Basic | IoT Platform Pro |
MQTT Publish | IOT_CMP_OTA_Start | Yes | Yes |
IOT_CMP_OTA_Get_Config | Yes | Yes | |
IOT_CMP_OTA_Request_Image | Yes | Yes | |
IOT_CMP_Send | Yes | Yes | |
IOT_MQTT_Publish | Yes | Yes | |
IOT_OTA_ReportVersion | Yes | Yes | |
IOT_OTA_RequestImage | Yes | Yes | |
IOT_OTA_ReportProgress | Yes | Yes | |
IOT_OTA_GetConfig | Yes | Yes | |
IOT_Shadow_Construct | Yes | Yes | |
IOT_Shadow_RegisterAttribute | Yes | Yes | |
IOT_Shadow_Push | Yes | Yes | |
IOT_Shadow_Push_Async | Yes | Yes | |
IOT_Shadow_Pull | Yes | Yes | |
IOT_Subdevice_Register | Yes | Yes | |
IOT_Subdevice_Unregister | Yes | Yes | |
IOT_Subdevice_Login | Yes | Yes | |
IOT_Subdevice_Logout | Yes | Yes | |
IOT_Gateway_Get_TOPO | Yes | Yes | |
IOT_Gateway_Get_Config | Yes | Yes | |
IOT_Gateway_Publish_Found_List | Yes | Yes | |
IOT_Gateway_Publish | Yes | Yes | |
IOT_Gateway_RRPC_Response | Yes | Yes | |
linkkit_answer_service | No | Yes | |
linkkit_invoke_raw_service | No | Yes | |
linkkit_trigger_event | No | Yes | |
linkkit_invoke_fota_service | No | Yes | |
linkkit_invoke_cota_get_config | Yes | Yes | |
linkkit_invoke_cota_service | Yes | Yes | |
CoAP Send | IOT_CoAP_SendMessage | Yes | Yes |
HTTP Send | IOT_HTTP_SendMessage | Yes | Yes |
These interfaces are free to call, but you may be charged for received messages | IOT_CMP_Register | Yes | Yes |
IOT_MQTT_Subscribe | Yes | Yes | |
IOT_Gateway_Subscribe | Yes | Yes | |
IOT_Gateway_RRPC_Register | Yes | Yes |
Interface | IoT Platform Basic | IoT Platform Pro |
Pub | Yes | Yes |
PubBroadcast | Yes | Yes |
RRpc | Yes | Yes |
DeleteDevice | Yes | Yes |
DisableThing | Yes | Yes |
EnableThing | Yes | Yes |
NotifyAddThingTopo | Yes | Yes |
InvokeThingService | Yes | Yes |
SetDeviceProperty | Yes | Yes |