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Image Search

Image Search allows your users to search by image based on image similarities. Image Search uses deep learning and machine vision to capture characteristics of images and then search for images based on the captured information.


Search by Product Image

Allows your customers to use a product image to search for the same product or similar products in your self-managed image library. Then, the system returns information about the product images.

Product Search

Allows your customers to use a product image to search for products from an image library. This feature simplifies the shopping process and is suitable for shopping scenarios where content-based image retrieval (CBIR) is required.

Product Recommendation

After your customers use images to search for products, the system automatically recommends the same or similar products. This feature is suitable for product recommendation scenarios to improve the shopping experience of your customers.

Search by General-purpose Image

Allows your users to use an image to search for images that contain the same elements or objects from a self-managed image library. The system returns the same or similar images based on the captured image information.

For Image-oriented Platforms

Allows users to search by image on image sharing sites and social media platforms, which typically contain a large number of images.

For Users

Allows users such as designers to search by image from various photography libraries and design material libraries, which help them improve work efficiency.


High Accuracy

Provides accurate search results based on deep learning algorithms

High Efficiency

Provides responses within seconds based on clustering and quantization algorithms that support mass data

Mass data query

Provides a search engine that supports up to 10 billion images

Tailored Services

Provides services that are tailored based on business scenarios



Simplifies the search process and improves the shopping experience: Customers can take a picture or upload an image to search for products. Compared with keyword search, image search is a more efficient method that improves shopping experience.


  • High Accuracy

    Deep learning-trained algorithms that ensure high search accuracy

  • High Performance

    A search engine that supports up to 10 billion images

  • Flexible Updates

    Supports dynamic data updates

  • Quick Deployment

    Supports easy-to-use API operations that help you deploy services efficiently

Works Best With


A cost-effective feature that supports concurrent queries: If you have image sharing sites or social media platforms that contain a large number of images, you can deploy search engines on Alibaba Cloud to allow your users to search by image. This improves user experience.


  • High Accuracy

    Deep learning-trained algorithms that ensure high search accuracy

  • High Performance

    A search engine that supports up to 10 billion images

  • Flexible Updates

    Supports dynamic data updates

  • Quick Deployment

    Supports easy-to-use API operations that help you deploy services efficiently


Search by Product Image

Allows your customers to use a product image to search for the same product or similar products in your self-managed image library. Then, the system returns information about the returned images.

Product search

Product recommendations

One-month Free Trial for First-time Users
From 300 USD / mo

Search by General-purpose Image

Allows your users to use an image to search for images that contain the same elements or objects from a self-managed image library. The system returns the same or similar images based on the captured image information.

Image search for image libraries

Image search for design material libraries

One-month Free Trial for First-time Users
From 300 USD / mo

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