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RDS for PostgreSQL 17 Has Arrived
Enhanced security, efficiency, and more
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Upgrade RDS for PostgreSQL Major Version In One Click
You are allowed to upgrade from any version(since PG 10) to the latest with one click only if the disk type of your instance is cloud disk. Upgrade metrix:
PG 10 -> PG 11~17
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Video: How to upgrade RDS PostgreSQL major version in just one click
Watch the video in 7 minutes and upgrade PostgreSQL seamlessly with no impact on your business.
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Hands-On Lab | Migrate User-Created PostgreSQL to ApsaraDB RDS for PostgreSQL through Cloud Migration
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Best Practice | How to Build a Heat Map Tile App with Alibaba Cloud ECS & PostgreSQL/GanosBase: A Step-by-Step Guide
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Known as "the world’s most advanced open source relational database", PostgreSQL enables OLTP databases that handle enterprise-level SQL statements, supports NoSQL data types such as JSON, XML and hstore, and supports GIS data processing.
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ApsaraDB RDS for PostgreSQL Serverless
Scale automatically in seconds, only pay for actual usage, lower cost
50% OFF
PostgreSQL 14/15/16
Basic/High-Availability Edition
All Available Regions
ApsaraDB RDS for PostgreSQL
OLTP scenarios, GIS and other NoSQL data support.
PostgreSQL 11~17 High-availability
2C4G, 20 GB ESSD PL1
ApsaraDB RDS for PostgreSQL
OLTP scenarios, GIS and other NoSQL data support.
PostgreSQL 11~17 Basic
2C4G, 20 GB ESSD PL1
NoSQL compatibility
Compatible with SQL:2011 and supports multiple data types, such as JSON and XML.
Multiple Extensions
Supports GIS data, cloud storage expansion, and Chinese text segmentation to make development easier.
Efficient Querying
Provides a cost-based SQL query optimizer that shows significantly better performance in multi-table queries than MySQL.
Secure and Stable
Supports SQL auditing and field permission control. Provides IP whitelists to prevent DDoS attacks.
Easy Spatial Information Processing
With PostGIS extensions, the service supports 2D and 3D geographical data modelling, and recognizes the shifts caused by the irregular shape of the Earth to enable precise positioning that meets the OpenGIS standard.
Spatial data types
Spatial functions
Supports spatial functions such as Area, Length, and Distance.
Metadata types and functions
Binary predicates
Supports binary predicates such as Contains, Within, Overlaps, and Touches.
Spatial operators
Supports spatial operators such as Union and Difference.
Strong Compatibility with NoSQL
The SQL statements support unstructured data types such as JSON, XML, and Key-Value, which enables a Not Only SQL (NoSQL) solution.
Create tables using JSON data
For example, CREATE TABLE json_tab(id bigint, data jsonb);
Directly save JSON data
For example, INSERT INTO json_tab VALUES (1,'{""pname"":""Product 1"",""qty"":50}')
Directly query JSON data
For example, SELECT * FROM json_tab WHERE data->>'qty' > 30
Index JSON attributes to enhance performance
For example, CREATE INDEX idx_json_tab_data_pname ON json_tab USING btree ((data ->> 'pname'));
Perform JOIN queries on existing tables
For example, SELECT * FROM json_tab JOIN product ON (>>'pname') WHERE data->>'qty' > 30;
Supports Full-text Search
You can use SQL operations to perform full-text searches and fuzzy queries without the need to create additional search engines.
Multiple features
Supports Chinese text segmentation and custom word banks, and allows you to continuously process and optimize existing word banks. The service also offers advanced features such as jieba segmenter, similarity analysis, similarity indexing, and regular expression matching. You can use the SQL engine to perform text segmentation smoothly and easily.
Supports OSS Storage Expansion
Based on the Foreign Data Wrapper (FDW) feature of PostgreSQL, ApsaraDB RDS for PostgreSQL integrates the management of external tables stored in OSS and supports flexible storage expansion.
Readable, writeable, and flexible storage
With external tables, you can use the CSV files stored in OSS as local data tables. The service also allows you to perform JOIN queries involving local tables, to read and write data directly, and to flexibly increase the database size to meet your needs for the management of hot and cold data lifecycles. You can also use the standard GZIP algorithm to compress the CSV files stored as external tables in OSS. This effectively shortens the data writing time to OSS and lowers the storage cost by more than 50%.
Supports Data Warehousing
ApsaraDB RDS for PostgreSQL meets the high availability needs of OLTP applications, and also supports OLAP data warehouses for real-time data analysis.
Provides the same database driver for online databases and data warehouses, which helps SMEs reduce the development cost. To analyze TB size data, you can use AnalyticDB RDS for PostgreSQL to create OLAP data warehouses that support horizontal scaling, and BI transactions that involve analyzing hundreds of TB or PB size data.
How it works

Standard enterprise-level PostgreSQL solution
Core business database
Based on Alibaba Cloud multi-zone architecture, the service supports local disaster recovery and ensures the security and stability of enterprise databases. Compared with other open source databases, PostgreSQL is a better choice for online transaction processing, and shows better performance at JOIN queries involving multiple tables.
Supports large tables
Each table can contain hundreds of millions of rows. Maintains high performance in multi-table queries based on Hash JOIN.
OLAP solutions
Provides OLAP support for tables of hundreds of gigabytes. For larger sizes of data, AnalyticDB for PostgreSQL supports horizontal scaling.
Flexible storage
Allows you to store cold data in external tables in OSS. Supports interaction with AnalyticDB for PostgreSQL.
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Simplified Management
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ECS | ApsaraDB RDS for PostgreSQL
PostgreSQL GIS Heat Map Power Visual
Develop dynamic heat maps with geo-visualization and analytics on ApsaraDB RDS for PostgreSQL featuring GanosBase. Learn more >
All-Inclusive Features
Superior Performance
Fortified Security
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ECS | ApsaraDB RDS for PostgreSQL
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