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Sanderson Consulting

  • Partner Introduction

    Sanderson Consulting started back in 2018 as a B2B IT Consultancy in The Netherlands and delivers professional advice and services for every aspect of IT: Cloud, Connectivity, Workspace, Back-up and Restore, Hosting, Security etc.
    Todate -throughout the whole of Europe- we (re)sell, implement, and maintain the solutions mentioned in our consultations and advisory reports, we remain unbiased and look for the best fit of product or service that match the clients use case and budget, integrate this with other (already existing services) and report back on performance. Everyone is welcome from the Sole Proprietor to SMEs – with inhouse or fully outsourced IT(service) departments!

    We are constantly expanding our offerings and certifications to give the best possible, matching advice and (technical)support to keep close contact with our clients after the initial consult or sale.



Weena 290, 3012 NJ Rotterdam (鹿特丹), The Netherlands (荷蘭)

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