Quickly Deploy Ecommerce Platforms on Alibaba Cloud Servers

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Step-By-Step Guide
This step-by-step guide will help you subscribe one virtual cloud server or one Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instance from Alibaba Cloud to run pre-configured ecommerce software images in minutes.
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Select OpenCart image as an example from Alibaba Cloud
First you can enter your User Name and Password to log in to Alibaba Cloud Portal. When you enter into ECS Purchase Wizard, you can use the customized interface to select the billing and configuration from cloud regions and instance type families. In this guide, we select ecs.t5-lc1m1.small instance from instance type families as the OpenCart instance.

a.Click on Marketplace Image on the left-hand side, search for OpenCart, look for Opencart E-Commerce powered by Miri Infotech, then click Select.

b.You may also click the button Buy Now directly in this page, which will be redirected into the webpage of ECS purchase wizard. Then you don’t need to select OpenCart from Marketplace Image again.
Complete the configuration and spot OpenCart instance at Alibaba Cloud Console.
Now you can load the next screen and configure networking including VPC, Bandwidth and Security Group. Proceed with the Key Pair, connect to your ECS instances via a Terminal using Secure Shell (SSH). Confirm with all configurations and then proceed to checkout.

Open the Alibaba Cloud Management Console and find Elastic Compute Service using left side bar. Now you can click the Running in Singapore and spot the running instance that you just selected.
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Connect to the instance in Terminal
Connect to the purchased instance in Terminal (we use iTerm in MacOS), you can open the terminal and input the command as follows: ssh root@ip address. After that, you need to input your password when you set up in Key Pair of ECS purchase wizard, and then login the Alibaba Cloud ECS successfully.

For Windows OS users, you may open Putty for SSH and type at “Host Name”. For instance, you may type “root” as username and “root@123” as password.
Configure following Linux command in terminal to launch OpenCart
Command: cp /var/www/html/config-dist.php /var/www/html/config.php
Command: cp /var/www/html/admin/config-dist.php /var/www/html/admin/config.php
Command: chmod 0777 /var/www/html/config.php
Command: chmod 0777 /var/www/html/admin/config.php

Now you can get the Instance IP Address as shown in the screenshot above and access the application using your browser.
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(click to expand)
Select OpenCart image as an example from Alibaba Cloud
First you can enter your User Name and Password to log in to Alibaba Cloud Portal. When you enter into ECS Purchase Wizard, you can use the customized interface to select the billing and configuration from cloud regions and instance type families. In this guide, we select ecs.t5-lc1m1.small instance from instance type families as the OpenCart instance.

a.Click on Marketplace Image on the left-hand side, search for OpenCart, look for Opencart E-Commerce powered by Miri Infotech, then click Select.

b.You may also click the button Buy Now directly in this page, which will be redirected into the webpage of ECS purchase wizard. Then you don’t need to select OpenCart from Marketplace Image again.
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Complete the configuration and spot OpenCart instance at Alibaba Cloud Console.
Now you can load the next screen and configure networking including VPC, Bandwidth and Security Group. Proceed with the Key Pair, connect to your ECS instances via a Terminal using Secure Shell (SSH). Confirm with all configurations and then proceed to checkout.

Open the Alibaba Cloud Management Console and find Elastic Compute Service using left side bar. Now you can click the Running in Singapore and spot the running instance that you just selected.
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Connect to the instance in Terminal
Connect to the purchased instance in Terminal (we use iTerm in MacOS), you can open the terminal and input the command as follows: ssh root@ip address. After that, you need to input your password when you set up in Key Pair of ECS purchase wizard, and then login the Alibaba Cloud ECS successfully.

For Windows OS users, you may open Putty for SSH and type at “Host Name”. For instance, you may type “root” as username and “root@123” as password.
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Configure following Linux command in terminal to launch OpenCart
Command: cp /var/www/html/config-dist.php /var/www/html/config.php
Command: cp /var/www/html/admin/config-dist.php /var/www/html/admin/config.php
Command: chmod 0777 /var/www/html/config.php
Command: chmod 0777 /var/www/html/admin/config.php

Now you can get the Instance IP Address as shown in the screenshot above and access the application using your browser.
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