
Updates to Service Level Agreement for E-MapReduce Service

Apr 17, 2024

Alibaba Cloud will be making changes to our Service Level Agreement ("SLA") for E-MapReduce Service ("EMR"), relating to clarifications to the definition of Downtime and Monthly Service Fee, adjustment of the Service Guarantee to 99.9%, and expansion of the compensation scope.
The changes will take effect on April 30, 2024. Your continued use of our services on or after the above effective date will be on the terms of the updated Service Level Agreement. The revised Service Legal Agreement may be accessed E-MapReduce Service (EMR) Service Level Agreement(https://www.alibabacloud.com/help/en/legal/latest/e-mapreduce-service-service-level-agreement).
If you have any questions, please submit a ticket(https://workorder-intl.console.aliyun.com/#/ticket/createIndex). Thank you for choosing Alibaba Cloud.
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