Service Upgrade

April 3rd Anti-DDoS Premium System Upgrade Notice

Apr 02, 2019

[Alibaba Cloud] [Anti-DDoS Premium] [Upgrade Notice]
Upgrade time: Beijing time 00:00-02:00 on April 3, 2019 (PST 08:00-10:00 on April 2, 2019)
Upgrade content: Anti-DDoS Premium system upgrade.
Impact of the upgrade: During the upgrade, there will be no impact on your business under normal circumstances. In extreme cases, configuring domain name in the Anti-DDoS Premium console may fail with an error. If the error appears, it is recommended that you wait until the upgrade is ended and configure again.

We apologize for any inconvenience caused. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us by submitting a ticket any time.

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