Service Upgrade

Alibaba Cloud DNS System Upgrade

Dec 28, 2022

Alibaba Cloud DNS
Upgrade time: Beijing Time 10:00 on Jan 9, 2023 - Beijing Time 21:00 on Jan 9, 2023

Upgrade content: After this upgrade, we add new item 'all domains' in Authoritative Domain Names and new item 'all records' in DNS Settings, and Default Group is for the itmes which are not set any groups.

Note: In this upgrade, there are 4 changed OpenAPIs.
(1) DescribeDomains
Inputs Before Upgrade:
a) GroupId is not set: don't filter by any Groups
b) GroupId is set NULL string:don't filter by any Groups
c) GroupId is set NON-NULL string:filter by group id

Inputs After Upgrade:
a) GroupId is not set: don't filter by any Groups
b) GroupId is set NULL string:don't filter by any Groups
c) GroupId is set defaultGroup:filter by group id of NULL
d) GroupId is set other NON-NULL string:filter by group id

(2) DescribeDomainRecords
Inputs Before Upgrade:
a) GroupId is not set: don't filter by any Groups
b) GroupId is set 0:return empty List
c) GroupId is set NON-NULL string:filter by group id

Inputs After Upgrade:
a) GroupId is not set: don't filter by any Groups
b) GroupId is set 0:return empty List
c) GroupId is set -1:filter by group id of NULL
d) GroupId is set -2:don't filter by any Groups
e) GroupId is set other NON-NULL string:filter by group id

(3) ChangeDomainGroup
Inputs Before Upgrade:
a) GroupId is not set: change the domain GroupId to NULL
b) GroupId is set NULL String:change the domain GroupId to NULL
c) GroupId is set NON-NULL string:change the domain GroupId to the setting value

Inputs After Upgrade:
a) GroupId is not set: change the domain GroupId to NULL
b) GroupId is set NULL String:change the domain GroupId to NULL
b) GroupId is set defaultGroup:change the domain GroupId to NULL
d) GroupId is set NON-NULL string:change the domain GroupId to the setting value

(4) DescribeDomainGroups
Inputs Before Upgrade:
a) Default GroupId: "" stands for all domains

Inputs After Upgrade:
a) 'defaultGroup' GroupId: 'defaultGroup' stands for the itmes which are not set any groups.
b) 'all domians' GroupId: '' stands for all domains

Impact of the upgrade:
During this upgrade, these 4 OpenAPI will change behaviors described above.

We apologize for any inconvenience caused. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us by submitting a ticket any time.