ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL - Supports Reactivating Released Instances Based on Backup Sets in the Locked Instances Tab
Aug 16 2019
ApsaraDB RDS for MySQLContent
Target customers: ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL users to reactivate subscription instances that are released after the instances have been expired for seven days. Features released: ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL supports reactivating released subscription instances by using the corresponing backup sets in the Locked Instances tab in the console. Expired subscription instances stay in the locked state in the Instances tab for seven days. If you renew the instances within seven days, the instances change to the running state. If you do not renew the expired instances within seven days, the instances are released on the eighth day after expiration and the corresponding backup sets are saved to the Locked Instances tab. Within the subsequent eight days, you can reactivate the instances by using the backup sets. All subscription instances of ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL support reactivating released subscription instances by using the corresponding backup sets in the Locked Instances tab. In this way, you can restore data for instances that have been expired for long time. This is a free feature for subscription instances.