AnalyticDB for PostgreSQL - Supports Features Such as JIT Compilation of PostgreSQL 11 and FastANN
Oct 12 2020
AnalyticDB for PostgreSQLContent
Target customers: all AnalyticDB for PostgreSQL users, especially AnalyticDB for PostgreSQL Vector Enhanced Edition users or AnalyticDB for PostgreSQL users who have an understanding of or demand for OSS. Features released: AnalyticDB for PostgreSQL now supports JIT compilation of PostgreSQL 11 for the row-oriented Laser computing engine, update-in-place indexing for FastANN, and a new storage engine for FastANN vector indexing. AnalyticDB for PostgreSQL also optimizes data import and export based on OSS foreign tables. The COPY and UNLOAD statements supported by Amazon Redshift can be used to import data to or export data from OSS foreign tables. OSS foreign tables can be used to export data from on-premises tables to OSS.