MaxCompute - Supports Adding Only Column IDs After the GROUP BY and ORDER BY Clauses in New Flags
Oct 28 2019
Target customers: Alibaba Cloud MaxCompute users. Feature Released: 1. In the set flagset hive.groupby.position.alias=true; statement, the integer constant in GROUP BY is processed as a column ID in the SELECT clause. Example: set hive.groupby.position.alias=true; select region, sum(total_price) from sale_detail group by 1; (Constant 1 indicates the first column in the SELECT clause, which is region.) 2. In the set flagset hive.orderby.position.alias=true; statement, the integer constant in ORDER BY is processed as a column ID in the SELECT clause. For example, if two BIGINT type columns that are named key and value are created in the src table, the SELECT * FROM src ORDER BY 2 limit 100; statement is equivalent to the SELECT * FROM src ORDER BY value limit 100 statement.