ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL - ApsaraDB RDS Instances that Run MySQL 5.7 Support the ARM-based YiTian Product Type
May 29 2024
ApsaraDB RDS for MySQLContent
Target customers: Target customers and scenarios: Enterprises who want to migrate data from self-managed MySQL databases to ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL instances to achieve cost-effectiveness, reduce costs, and improve efficiency. Features released: RDS instances that run MySQL 5.7 or MySQL 8.0 support the ARM-based YiTian product type and provides the following benefits: 1. Provides the same features and user experience as the x86 architecture, which prevents compatibility issues. 2. Developed based on YiTian chips, which improves cost-effectiveness by 30% to 50%. The price of this type of instance is reduced by up to 40%. 3. Guarantees the same service-level agreement (SLA) as the x86 architecture and provides a service availability SLA of up to 99.99%. 4. Supports software-hardware integration and full-stack optimization, which delivers optimal performance and improves efficiency.