Digital Financial Solutions Powered by Ant Technology

Including zoloz product suite, mobile application development platform,
Web3 Scalable Open Financial Architecture Stack and distributed database service

Overview - Digital Technologies

Ant Group has been committed to innovation and application of digital technologies, and continues to develop leading technology brands and products such as AntChain, Zoloz, SofaStack, and mPaaS in the fields of blockchain, privacy computing, security technologies, and distributed database. At the same time, Ant Group has been opening access of products and services to both private enterprises and the public, joining hands with partners to contribute to the digital upgrade of small and medium-sized financial institutions, digital operations of micro and small-sized businesses in the service industry, and digital collaborations of the industrial supply chain.

Start Your Digital Financial Journey with Alibaba Cloud & Ant Technology

ZOLOZ has launched a one-stop SaaS security solution for the Hong Kong and Macao securities industry, including global trusted digital identification, CA digital certificate authentication, and anti-money laundering (AML) sanctions scanning. These technologies have been validated in the financial industry, supporting compliance detection of multiple identity documents, OCR and special character recognition, and anti-counterfeiting detection. Moreover, ZOLOZ supports international multi-skin color face recognition and provides customers with a multi-dimensional security risk control system. ZOLOZ's anti-money laundering sanctions scanning supports more than 14 languages, has high-precision real-time list scanning capabilities, and has been a leader in SWIFT matching engine performance evaluation for many years.
· Learn More about ZOLOZ RealID
· Learn More about ZOLOZ Smart AML
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mPaaS helps enterprises quickly build stable and high-quality mobile apps with lowered technical barriers to entry, reduced R&D costs, and improved development efficiency.
· Dynamic Super Apps With Advanced Performance
· Digital Operation Capabilities
· Business on Cell Phones
· App Information and Lifecycle Safeguarding
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Blockchain as a Service
Blockchain as a Service (BaaS) is an enterprise-level platform service based on leading blockchain technologies. This service helps you build a secure and stable blockchain environment, save the costs of operations and maintenance, and facilitate business development. BaaS supports Hyperledger Fabric, Ant Blockchain technologies, and Quorum.
· Products Provenance
· Supply Chain Finance
· Data Assets Sharing
· Digital Content Ownership
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SOFAStack™ provides a collection of tested architectures and services to help enterprises develop complex, reliable financial business systems.
· Empower Product Development and Innovation with Mid-Ends
· Help Financial Enterprises Adopt Cloud Computing to Handle Challenges in Digital Transformation
· A Microservices Platform for Advanced Architectures
· Innovative Architecture: Five Data Centers across Three Regions
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ApsaraDB for OceanBase
ApsaraDB for OceanBase uses the Paxos protocol and maintains multiple data replicas. You can build a financial-grade database by deploying PC servers in a distributed architecture. ApsaraDB for OceanBase allows you to achieve reliability and data consistency at one third of the cost of other commercial databases.
· Data Migration
· High Availability and Disaster Recovery
· Scale-out
· Global Consistency
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