AI Rudder Solutions listed on Alibaba Cloud Marketplace

AI Rudder is supercharging the customer experience for millions of consumers by harnessing the power of voice AI automation.

AI Rudder Overview and Architecture

AI Rudder is on a mission to improve the scale, speed and quality of your customer experience by combining the best of AI and human service.

AI Rudder combines leading-edge natural language understanding, automatic speech recognition and text to speech to conduct personal two-way conversations with near-human intelligence.

With AI Rudder, voice AI assistants manage your high-volume repetitive tasks. By automating these tasks, your business can provide human-like service at lightning speed, collecting and analysing data automatically to help you deliver quality assurance and pinpoint areas to profit.

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AI Rudder Solutions listed on Alibaba Cloud Marketplace

  • AI Rudder WeCall Voice AI Robots solution
  • AI Rudder WeScribe Quality Assurance solution
  • AI Rudder WeGrow AI Chatbots solution
  • AI Rudder WeCC AI Call Center solution


AI Rudder WeCall Voice AI Robots is a solution that allows enterprises to automate high-volume repetitive calls and frees agents to more meaningful tasks. Our WeCall platform is stable enough to handle millions of calls per day and give enterprises insights to find the best calling strategy.


  • Free agents from repetitive tasks

    Reduces workloads, repetitive calls and frustration, and lets agents do the more fulfilling and valuable work only humans can do.

  • Boost revenue and efficiency

    Automates lead qualification, telemarketing, renewals, information verification, payment reminders, appointment confirmations and more.

  • Human-like conversations

    Understands the sentiment, intent and conversational context, accurately responding to questions while staying 100% compliant.

  • Support 20+ languages

    Understands languages, dialects and regional accents including Bahasa, Mandarin, Thai, Hindi, Tamil, Filipino, Vietnamese, English, etc.

  • Get higher accuracy with experience

    The power of machine learning means the voices, responses, and solutions rapidly improve over time. The more calls the better.

  • Scales effortlessly

    Make and respond to thousands of concurrent calls at the same level of service without creating more work for agents.

  • Integrates seamlessly

    Our open API plays nicely with your existing call centre, customer service and customer relationship management (CRM) systems.

  • Rapid return on investment

    Deploy and customize your AI voice assistants in just a few weeks – pay only for what you need with no fixed fees.


AI Rudder WeScribe Quality Assurance solution automates and streamlines quality assurance at scale across your operation. We can transcript call recordings and generate insightful dashboards for overall team performance and individual performance as well.


  • Intelligent insights analysis

    Capture and analyze all interactions as they happen to address bad habits, share best practices and optimize performance.

  • Data-driven optimization

    Assess tone, language and behavior patterns to enhance solutions, scripts, conversion rates and processes.

  • Consistent experiences

    Pre-screen and triage calls to surface the best scripts for agents and/or send the request to the most qualified agent.

  • Personalized agent development

    Replace generic reviews with individual scorecards, detailed feedback, learning paths and KPI metrics for each agent.

  • Monitor agent well-being

    Identify angry, abusive, difficult or frustrated customers and trigger management escalation and support.

  • Transform voice to insights

    Speech technology and natural language processing capture, transcribe and analyses data from thousands of calls.


AI Rudder WeGrow AI Chatbots is a solution that improves your customer engagement and frees your agents from repetitive tasks.


  • 24/7 customer support

    Faster customer resolutions and keep your customer support going 24/7 around the clock.

  • Service and performance optimisation

    More intelligent and empathetic interactions with continuous deep learning as chatbots are exposed to more data over time.

  • Omnichannel experience

    Engage customers through their preferred channels to improve brand loyalty, and supercharge customer experience across multiple touchpoints.

  • We support your customers' language

    Our AI chatbot supports and understands multiple languages, so your customer will always be able to communicate their needs and feel right at home.

  • Visualized insights and boost revenue

    Capture and analyse all interactions through meaningful insights. Empower your business by improving the customer journey from end-to-end.

  • Seamless routing and conversions

    Automatically prioritise and route new conversations to agents for more efficient and better conversion rate to ensure customers get the best possible experience.

  • Swift response

    Tired of waiting in a queue? Our AI-powered chatbot will respond to your customers anytime, anywhere.


AI Rudder WeCC AI Call Center solution enhances your customer experience within this all-in-one platform. WeCC integrates AI Rudder's WeCall voice AI Robots, chatbots, quality assurance, and predictive dialing system (PDS) together, so call centers can improve their efficiency by monitoring all channels without switching from one platform to another.


  • Manage your call center from one place

    Manage your communications, get real-time productivity dashboard reports, monitor and analyze customer interactions from a centralized platform.

  • Make every conversation a seamless experience

    Deliver and manage the information chain effectively across every conversation no matter the channel on a central platform.

  • Predictive dialing system

    Optimise your operations by automating bulk calling, filtering out busy lines, voicemails, and unanswered calls, and only connecting answered calls to agents to boost efficiency.

  • Scale effortlessly

    Make and respond to thousands of concurrent calls at the same level of service without creating more work for agents for both inbound and outbound communications.

  • Rapid return on investment

    Deploy and customize your AI voice assistants in just a few weeks – pay only for what you need with no fixed fees.

  • World-leading technology

    Our AI is able to process human conversations, receive and interpret customer intent and communicate at scale to a level of near-human intelligence.

Customer Reference


Business challenge: Kredivo was confronted with the challenge of offering 24/7 round-the-clock support for an ever-increasing customer base. They needed a solution to solve their scalability and availability challenges.
Solution: AI Rudder customized inbound customer services and telemarketing robots for Kredivo.
* Able to call thousands of their customers per day;
* Reduced all-time-low non-performing loans to single digits;
* Able to transfer only <10% of calls to human agents;

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Business challenge: With the growing demand for its products and services, DIDI has been experiencing a surge in customer inquiries at a level that’s challenging to cope with.
Solution: DIDI digitizes and automates some of its CX operations using AI Rudder WeScribe Quality Assurance solution.
* Qualifying a massive number of call recordings per day, offering more standardized operation procedures;
* Supervisors are able to monitor agents' performance easily via user-friendly dashboards;
* Customer complaint rate decreased because of higher quality customer service calls;

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  • Please note that all solutions and marketing contents presented on this page are provided by AI Rudder and Alibaba Cloud is not liable to or responsible for their accuracy, condition, quality, durability, performance, reliability, merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, or non-infringement.