Alibaba Cloud Open Source Big Data Platform | E-MapReduce
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Alibaba AI and Data Intelligence
Alibaba AI and Data Intelligence is equipped with leading cloud infrastructure, data intelligence processing and AI engineering capabilities, algorithms that solve problems across a range of scenarios, and the practical experience of developers and engineers who refined the solution for years in customer and Alibaba environments. Alibaba AI and Data Intelligence provides an all-in-one cloud-native group of AI solutions for enterprises and developers.
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Alibaba Cloud Data Lake
Store, manage, and analyze data of all sizes and types in real time
EMR is an all-in-one enterprise-ready big data platform that provides cluster, job, and data management services based on open-source ecosystems, such as Hadoop, Spark, Kafka, Flink, and Storm.
Energy Expert
Help enterprises move towards carbon neutrality with technology and innovation.
Trust Center
We are committed to providing reliable, secure, and compliant cloud computing products and services.
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Managing RDS Databases With DMS
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