$19.90 USD/year
Earn one complimentary attempt at the Alibaba Cloud Associate (ACA) Certification exam (Valued at $120) by completing our Member Exclusive Challenge
- Unlimited access to 130+ online training, including professional exam preparation
- Free Access to all Apsara Clouder certifications *
- Free Access to all Specialty certifications *
By signing up, you agree to Alibaba Academy Membership Terms of Use
What is the expiration date of the Member Exclusive Challenge?
The campaign is valid until March 31, 2025.
What is the Member Exclusive Challenge?
The Member Exclusive Challenge is an opportunity for Alibaba Cloud Academy members to earn a free attempt at the ACA exam by completing an engaging challenge and passing the associated quizzes.
As a member, how should I access all Apsara Clouder certifications, Specialty Certifications, and professional exam preparation courses for free?
Click the "Learn for Free (Membership)" or "Members Claim" button on the Clouder, Specialty, certification preparation course page you want to learn, then you can learn online courses and take online exams for free. As a member, you will have a maximum of 4 opportunities to take each Apsara Clouder and Specialty certification.
Why can't I pay when I subscribe to a membership?
If you are unable to pay when purchasing the Membership, please check if you have added a payment method. For questions related to payment methods, please check here.
Can I retake the ACA exam for free if I don't pass it? or If I purchase membership multiple times, can I obtain multiple opportunities for the ACA exam?
Each member only has 1 free ACA exam opportunity under membership status, which means each account is entitled to only one complimentary exam attempt, regardless of multiple membership purchases.
To learn more about ACA opportunities, please refer to our official website: https://edu.alibabacloud.com.My question is different from any of the listed here, so how can I get help for my question?
If you have any other questions, please feel free to email us at intl_training@list.alibaba-inc.com. Thank you!