• Bootcamp
  • Intro to Troubleshooting for Flink Developers
Intro to Troubleshooting for Flink Developers
  • Bootcamp
  • Intro to Troubleshooting for Flink Developers
Intro to Troubleshooting for Flink Developers
Bootcamp overview
  • Course Code
  • Level
  • Delivery Language
  • Type
    In person
  • Location
    Hyatt Regency San Francisco
  • Training Duration
    1 day
This course is a hands-on introduction to key topics relating to putting Flink applications into production. The focus is on the Flink runtime, with an eye toward understanding how Flink works, and what can go wrong. You’ll learn what you can do to avoid problems, and how to diagnose and fix the issues you may experience, such as backpressure, checkpoint failures, and high latency.
For the hands-on exercises, you will need a computer with at least 8 GB RAM (MacOS, Linux, or Windows). You’ll also need to have these tools installed: ① Git ② Java 8 or 11 JDK (a JRE is not sufficient) ③ An IDE for Java (or Scala) development (we recommend IntelliJ)
Training Schedule
  • 📅 August 1st, 2022
    🕛 9AM - 5PM PDT (8 hours with lunch and refreshments provided)
Training Verification
  • You should already have a general understanding of event time and watermarking, and familiarity with the basics of the DataStream API (at the level covered in our developer training). The hands-on exercises all use the DataStream API, and are implemented in Java. They require recognizing what the provided applications are doing wrong and adjusting the configuration and/or the code so that they perform better.
Key Topics
  • Backpressure
  • Optimizing Latency and Throughput
  • Troubleshooting Checkpointing
  • Mitigating Skew
  • Application Evolution