Analysts often use libraries, tools in the Python ecosystem to analyze data on their personal computer. They like these tools because they are efficient, intuitive, and widely trusted. However when they choose to apply their analyses to larger datasets they find that these tools were not designed to scale beyond a single machine. In this course we will introduce how Alibaba Cloud scales Python based on its offline data processing engine,taking advantage of the unlimited computing resource on cloud.
Recommended For
Junior Developers and Cloud Beginners
How to get Certified
Exam Overview
Certification:Apsara Clouder - Big Data: Scale Python on Cloud
Exam Type:Online
Available Languages:English
Exam Duration:30 Minutes
No. of Exam Attempts:2 Times
Scale Python on Cloud
In this course we will introduce how Alibaba Cloud scales Python based on its offline data processing engine,taking advantage of both Python and the unlimited computing resource on cloud.
- Course objective
- Ways to enhance Python scalability
- Introduction to MaxCompute Python(PyODPS)
- 5 mins to start Python data Analysis on cloud
- Hands-on: Using PyODPS to analyze public data sets