Big Data Analysis Career Learning Path
The job market for architects, engineers, and analytics professionals with Big Data expertise continue to increase. The Academy’s Big Data Career path focuses on the fundamental tools and techniques needed to pursue a career in Big Data. Work through our course material, learn different aspects of the Big Data field, and get certified as a Big Data Professional!
Becoming an Alibaba Cloud Certified Big Data Analysis Engineer
  • 01Suggested Free Videos
  • 02Pass 8 out of 12 Big Data Analyst Clouder Certification Courses
  • 03Obtain the Big Data Analyst Certificate
Big Data Analysis Course List
Here starts the educational path: from free videos to Clouder certification courses
Free Videos
  • Quick Start Guide of MaxCompute and QuickBI

    Quick start Guide of using Alibaba Cloud big data offline computing product - MaxCompute and visualization tool - QuickBI.

  • Predicting Propensity to Default using PAI

    Quick start guide of how to use Alibaba Cloud Machine Learning Platform for AI - PAI.

  • Hands-on Guide of Hive and Hadoop on EMR

    Quick start guide of create and run Hive & Hadoop jobs on Hadoop on Alibaba Cloud - E-MapReduce.

Beginner Courses
Beginner Courses Package
Data development programming languages
USD 0.03USD 30.00
Beginner Courses Package
Data development programming languages
USD 0.03USD 30.00
Buy Package
  • A Quick Guide to Process Structured Data with Python
    Quickly understand processing of structured data using Python Pandas through hands-on practice. Learn more >
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  • MySQL for Beginners - Basic Queries
    This course is the first class of Alibaba Cloud MySQL for Beginners series. It mainly introduces the usage of SELECT statement and its clauses. Learn more >
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  • How to Use Spark on Cloud Series 2 - Spark Python
    In this course we will show you how to write basic data analysis programs on Spark in Python. Through these programs we will introduce some concepts like Spark RDD, Dataframe, Streaming, etc. Learn more >
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Intermediate Courses
Intermediate Courses Package
Data acquisition
USD 0.02USD 20.00
Intermediate Courses Package
Data acquisition
USD 0.02USD 20.00
Buy Package
  • How to Migrate Data to Big Data Platform on the Cloud
    Quickly learn the basic concepts and architectures of MaxCompute and DataWorks, and how to perform data integration with multiple data sources and formats. Learn more >
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  • Alibaba Cloud MaxCompute - Data Transmission
    This course simply explains the data channel service - Tunnel. We will introduce its characteristics and common parameters, grasps the method of uploading and downloading data by using the Tunnel command. Learn more >
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Upper-intermediate Courses
Upper-intermediate Courses Package
Data analysis tools
USD 0.04USD 40.00
Upper-intermediate Courses Package
Data analysis tools
USD 0.04USD 40.00
Buy Package
  • Introduction to Big Data Platform on the Cloud
    Learn how to utilize data to make better business decisions. Optimize Alibaba Cloud's big data products to get the most value out of your data. Learn more >
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  • ​Data Development with DataWorks and MaxCompute
    Through this course, you will learn Alibaba DataWorks, how to do data development by using DataWorks and MaxCompute. Learn more >
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  • Using Hive and Hadoop on E-MapReduce
    Through this course, you can understand the advantages and architecture of E-MapReduce, and be able to start using E-MapReduce. Learn more >
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  • Using Spark on E-MapReduce
    This course is designed to help users who want to understand big data technology, as well as data processing through cloud products. Learn more >
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Advanced Courses
Advanced Courses Package
Data visualization
USD 0.03USD 30.00
Advanced Courses Package
Data visualization
USD 0.03USD 30.00
Buy Package
  • Quickly Generate Business Intelligence Diagrams with QuickBI
    Quickly learn how to use QuickBI to generate visual charts. This course offers a complete explanation of how to import data sources, create datasets, and produce dashboards. Learn more >
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  • Quickly Generate Large Dashboards for Data Visualization
    This course can help the data scientists learn how to create a large panel using Alibaba Cloud's DataV. Learn more >
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  • Data Visualization Using Python
    Through this course, you will learn what is python visualization and how to use python visualization tools to generate plots to visualize data. Learn more >
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Apply for Your Big Data Analysis Certificate
After completing 8 out of the 12 above Clouder courses, you can apply for your Alibaba Cloud Certified Big Data Analysis Engineer Certificate. Click Apply Now and we will review your progress.
Terms and Conditions
  • 1. One person may only obtain one Big Data Analysis Engineer Certificate
  • 2. Discounts only apply to the packages offered, Clouders bought individually will be priced at the original price
  • 3. If you have already completed courses in the Big Data Analyst learning path they will be counted toward your certificate, users do not have to repurchase to complete the path
  • 4. Products and offline classes are sold separately from the Clouder courses
  • 5. The free videos are strictly recommended, they are not required to obtain the Big Data Analysis Certificate
  • 6. Refunds are not available for any Clouder purchases