Alibaba Cloud

Alibaba Cloud e-Magazine Issue 1 2020

Alibaba Cloud e-Magazine is a free bi-monthly digital publication produced by Alibaba Cloud Intelligence International. The magazine aims to present the latest news, stories, and technologies of Alibaba Cloud, which will give you a better insight into how technology is changing the world and shaping the future as exemplified by our endeavors.

In the context of the global Coronavirus outbreak, the first issue is themed on how Alibaba Cloud is deploying its technologies to assist in the fight against Covid-19.

Key contents featured in this issue include:

Opening Remarks from Selina Yuan, President of International Business, Alibaba Cloud Intelligence

Overview of Alibaba Cloud technologies against COVID-19

Stories of technology empowering education, retail, coronavirus diagnosis and remote working during this global pandemic

Exclusive interview with Dr. Xian-sheng Hua, Head of AI Center and City Brain Lab of DAMO Academy, on the application of AI technologies in fighting COVID-19

* You can read the magazine online or download to your device for free.

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