PyFlink is the Python language portal of Flink. Its Python language is really simple and easy to learn, but the development environment of PyFlink is not easy to build. If you are not careful, the PyFlink environment will be messed up, and it is difficult to find out the cause. This article introduces a PyFlink development environment tool that can help users solve these problems, Zeppelin Notebook. The main contents are listed below:
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You may have heard of Zeppelin for a long time, but previous articles mainly focused on how to develop Flink SQL in Zeppelin. Today, we will introduce how to develop PyFlink Job in Zeppelin efficiently to solve the environmental problems of PyFlink.
To summarize the theme of this article, use Conda in Zeppelin notebook to create Python env to deploy it to a Yarn cluster automatically. You do not need to install any PyFlink packages on the cluster manually, and you can use multiple versions of PyFlink isolated from each other in a Yarn cluster at the same time. Eventually, you will see:
1. A third-party Python library, such as matplotlib, can be used on the PyFlink client:
2. Users can use third-party Python libraries in PyFlink UDF, such as:
Next, let's learn how to implement it:
We will not describe the details of building the latest version of Zeppelin here. If you have any questions, you can join the Flink on Zeppelin DingTalk group (34517043) for consultations.
Note: The Zeppelin deployment cluster needs to be performed on a Linux system. If you use macOS, the Conda environment on macOS cannot be used in the Yarn cluster because the Conda packages are incompatible with different systems.
Download Flink 1.13.
Note: The functions introduced in this article can only be used in Flink 1.13 or above. Then:
Install the following software (which is used to create Conda env):
Next, users can build and use PyFlink in Zeppelin.
Since Zeppelin inherently supports Shell, users can use Shell in Zeppelin to create a PyFlink environment. Note: The Python third-party packages here are required by the PyFlink client (JobManager), such as Matplotlib. Please ensure that at least the following packages are installed:
The remaining packages can be specified as needed:
# make sure you have conda and momba installed.
# install miniconda:
# install mamba:
echo "name: pyflink_env
- conda-forge
- defaults
- Python=3.7
- pip
- pip:
- apache-flink==1.13.1
- jupyter
- grpcio
- protobuf
- matplotlib
- pandasql
- pandas
- scipy
- seaborn
- plotnine
" > pyflink_env.yml
mamba env remove -n pyflink_env
mamba env create -f pyflink_env.yml
Run the following code to package the Conda environment of PyFlink and upload it to HDFS. Note: The file format packaged here is tar.gz:
rm -rf pyflink_env.tar.gz
conda pack --ignore-missing-files -n pyflink_env -o pyflink_env.tar.gz
hadoop fs -rmr /tmp/pyflink_env.tar.gz
hadoop fs -put pyflink_env.tar.gz /tmp
# The Python conda tar should be public accessible, so need to change permission here.
hadoop fs -chmod 644 /tmp/pyflink_env.tar.gz
Run the following code to create a PyFlink Conda environment on TaskManager. The PyFlink environment on TaskManager contains at least the following two packages:
The remaining packages are the packages that Python UDF needs to rely on. For example, the pandas package is specified here:
echo "name: pyflink_tm_env
- conda-forge
- defaults
- Python=3.7
- pip
- pip:
- apache-flink==1.13.1
- pandas
" > pyflink_tm_env.yml
mamba env remove -n pyflink_tm_env
mamba env create -f pyflink_tm_env.yml
Run the following code to package the Conda environment of PyFlink and upload it to HDFS. Note: Zip format is used here.
rm -rf
conda pack --ignore-missing-files --zip-symlinks -n pyflink_tm_env -o
hadoop fs -rmr /tmp/
hadoop fs -put /tmp
# The Python conda tar should be public accessible, so need to change permission here.
hadoop fs -chmod 644 /tmp/
Now, users can use the Conda environment created above in Zeppelin. First, users need to configure Flink in Zeppelin. The main configuration options are:
is yarn-application, and the methods described in this article are only applicable to yarn-application mode.yarn.ship-archives
, zeppelin.pyflink.Python
, and
to configure the PyFlink Conda environment on the JobManager side.Python.archives
and Python.executable
to specify the PyFlink Conda environment on the TaskManager
flink.execution.mode yarn-application
yarn.ship-archives /mnt/disk1/jzhang/zeppelin/pyflink_env.tar.gz
zeppelin.pyflink.Python pyflink_env.tar.gz/bin/Python pyflink_env.tar.gz
Python.archives hdfs:///tmp/
Python.executable 2048 2048
1. In the following example, the JobManager Conda environment created above can be used on the PyFlink client (JobManager side), such as Matplotlib:
2. The following example uses the library in the Conda environment on the TaskManager side created above in the PyFlink UDF, such as Pandas in the UDF:
This article uses Conda in a Zeppelin notebook to create Python env and deploy it to a Yarn cluster automatically. Users do not need to install any Pyflink packages on the cluster manually, and you can use multiple versions of PyFlink in a Yarn cluster at the same time.
Each PyFlink environment is isolated and can be customized to change the Conda environment at any time. You can download the following note and import it into Zeppelin to review the content we introduced today:
In addition, there are many areas for improvement:
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