Population perspective is one example of combination of business and data, for example, for selecting the site of a large mall. Data available for analysis includes vehicle traffic and people flow.
We can combine data to have a deeper analysis of factors such as population composition and spending power, bringing more referential information for selecting a proper site for a large mall.
How can we use databases to obtain population data perspective?
1. Population property table
This table holds property fields of individuals, such as income, driving experience (time), and fixed asset. See below:
create table people(
id serial8 primary key, -- User ID
c1 int2, -- Age section (assume 5 sections indicated by 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4 respectively)
c2 int2, -- Personal income section (assume 3 sections indicated by 0, 1, and 2 respectively)
c3 int2, -- Driving experience by time (assume 5 sections indicated by 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4 respectively)
c4 int2, -- Family income section (assume 3 sections indicated by 0, 1, and 2 respectively)
c5 int2, -- Fixed asset section (assume 3 sections indicated by 0, 1, and 2 respectively)
c6 int2 -- Deposit section (assume 3 sections indicated by 0, 1, and 2 respectively)
2. Dynamic population trajectory
Population activity area or trajectory is recorded.
Using the PostgreSQL PostGIS plug-in can easily record trajectory data. In addition, GIST indexes are also supported to quickly look for the target population by region or range.
create table people_loc(
id int8, -- User ID
-- loc geometry, -- Location
crt_time timestamp -- Time
1. Generate 10 million pieces of population test data, and records with the driving experience section 4 and the age section 4 are not inserted to create some empty values.
insert into people (c1,c2,c3,c4,c5,c6)
from generate_series(1,10000000);
postgres=# select * from people limit 10;
id | c1 | c2 | c3 | c4 | c5 | c6
1 | 2 | 1 | 3 | 0 | 1 | 2
2 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0
3 | 2 | 1 | 0 | 2 | 0 | 2
4 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 2
5 | 3 | 2 | 2 | 1 | 2 | 1
6 | 1 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1
7 | 2 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0
8 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 2
9 | 3 | 0 | 3 | 1 | 2 | 1
10 | 3 | 2 | 2 | 0 | 2 | 1
(10 rows)
2. Generate 10 million pieces of population trajectory data
insert into people_loc (id, crt_time)
select random()*10000000, now()+format('%L', (500000-random()*1000000))::interval
-- 或 select random()*10000000, now()+(''||(500000-random()*1000000))::interval
from generate_series(1,10000000);
postgres=# select * from people_loc limit 10;
id | crt_time
7278581 | 2017-03-05 16:35:13.828435
3456421 | 2017-03-07 09:08:26.853477
976602 | 2017-03-04 18:47:49.176176
1996929 | 2017-03-11 08:46:31.955573
6590325 | 2017-03-11 14:48:55.231263
7252414 | 2017-03-04 08:17:28.731733
8763332 | 2017-03-01 15:37:11.57363
9426083 | 2017-03-11 17:51:46.474757
4399781 | 2017-03-05 08:07:45.962599
9049432 | 2017-03-09 14:10:42.211882
(10 rows)
1. Choose a population group
Select a population group according to a central point or a closed-loop area (by using PostGIS)
Here I will not give a PostGIS example (If you are interested, you can use PostGIS to perform testing; the performance is very excellent). Instead, I directly select a population group by the time dimension.
select id from people_loc where crt_time between '2017-03-06'::date and '2017-03-08'::date;
Some people may ask what should be done if one person have multiple trajectories within a time period.
In this case we can use IN. The optimizer in PostgreSQL is very powerful. Databases will automatically aggregate when the JOIN operation is performed, and GROUP BY is unnecessary in this step.
2. Data perspective
PostgreSQL is strongly compatible with SQL. Syntax such as grouping sets, cube, and rollup can be used for data perspective.
select c1,c2,c3,c4,c5,c6,count(*) cnt
where id in (
select id from people_loc where crt_time between '2017-03-06'::date and '2017-03-08'::date
GROUP BY GROUPING SETS (c1,c2,c3,c4,c5,c6,());
c1 | c2 | c3 | c4 | c5 | c6 | cnt
| 0 | | | | | 555530
| 1 | | | | | 555525
| 2 | | | | | 475596
| | | | | | 1586651
| | | 0 | | | 554079
| | | 1 | | | 555864
| | | 2 | | | 476708
| | | | | 0 | 554738
| | | | | 1 | 554843
| | | | | 2 | 477070
| | | | 0 | | 554552
| | | | 1 | | 555073
| | | | 2 | | 477026
0 | | | | | | 396349
1 | | | | | | 475616
2 | | | | | | 397502
3 | | | | | | 317184
| | 0 | | | | 396947
| | 1 | | | | 475504
| | 2 | | | | 395852
| | 3 | | | | 318348
(21 rows)
For more information about the use of perspective, refer to the use of cube, rollup, and grouping sets.
Currently PostgreSQL, HybridDB, and Greenplum all support the preceding syntax.
3. Result conversion
Use the WITH syntax to convert the preceding results.
with tmp as (
select c1,c2,c3,c4,c5,c6,count(*) cnt
where id in (
select id from people_loc where crt_time between '2017-03-06'::date and '2017-03-08'::date
GROUP BY GROUPING SETS (c1,c2,c3,c4,c5,c6,())
select case
when c1 is not null then 'c1_'||c1
when c2 is not null then 'c2_'||c2
when c3 is not null then 'c3_'||c3
when c4 is not null then 'c4_'||c4
when c5 is not null then 'c5_'||c5
when c6 is not null then 'c6_'||c6
else 'cnt' end AS col,
t1.cnt as private,
t2.cnt as all,
t1.cnt::float8/t2.cnt as ratio
from tmp t1, (select cnt from tmp where tmp.c1 is null and tmp.c2 is null and tmp.c3 is null and tmp.c4 is null and tmp.c5 is null and tmp.c6 is null) t2
col | private | all | ratio
c2_0 | 555530 | 1586651 | 0.35012740672019240526
c2_1 | 555525 | 1586651 | 0.35012425542857250901
c2_2 | 475596 | 1586651 | 0.29974833785123508572
cnt | 1586651 | 1586651 | 1.00000000000000000000
c4_0 | 554079 | 1586651 | 0.34921290189209851442
c4_1 | 555864 | 1586651 | 0.35033791300040147455
c4_2 | 476708 | 1586651 | 0.30044918510750001103
c6_0 | 554738 | 1586651 | 0.34962824212760083976
c6_1 | 554843 | 1586651 | 0.34969441925161866094
c6_2 | 477070 | 1586651 | 0.30067733862078049930
c5_0 | 554552 | 1586651 | 0.34951101407934069937
c5_1 | 555073 | 1586651 | 0.34983937866613388830
c5_2 | 477026 | 1586651 | 0.30064960725452541233
c1_0 | 396349 | 1586651 | 0.24980225645085151051
c1_1 | 475616 | 1586651 | 0.29976094301771467071
c1_2 | 397502 | 1586651 | 0.25052894429839958504
c1_3 | 317184 | 1586651 | 0.19990785623303423374
c3_0 | 396947 | 1586651 | 0.25017915092859110163
c3_1 | 475504 | 1586651 | 0.29969035408542899478
c3_2 | 395852 | 1586651 | 0.24948901806383382357
c3_3 | 318348 | 1586651 | 0.20064147692214608001
(21 rows)
Time: 8466.507 ms
perf report
# Events: 8K cycles
# Overhead Command Shared Object Symbol
# ........ ........ .................. ...................................................
6.29% postgres postgres [.] comparetup_heap
--- comparetup_heap
|--41.84%-- (nil)
|--33.36%-- 0x1
|--8.44%-- 0x23e8e
|--8.43%-- 0x2
--7.93%-- 0x3
5.16% postgres postgres [.] slot_deform_tuple.lto_priv.1138
--- slot_deform_tuple.lto_priv.1138
3.82% postgres postgres [.] mergeprereadone
--- mergeprereadone
3.79% postgres postgres [.] qsort_ssup
--- qsort_ssup
3.51% postgres postgres [.] tuplesort_gettuple_common.lto_priv.1348
--- tuplesort_gettuple_common.lto_priv.1348
|--32.14%-- 0x1
|--22.28%-- 0x2
|--18.95%-- (nil)
|--11.41%-- 0x10
|--5.72%-- 0x3
|--1.91%-- 0x3d84d9
|--1.91%-- 0xef259
|--1.91%-- get_select_query_def.lto_priv.1324
|--1.91%-- 0x95c9af
--1.88%-- 0x3a0e54
4. "Left join" completion (optional)
To complete empty values, simply use "left join".
select * from (values ('c1_0'),('c1_1'),('c1_2'),('c1_3'),('c1_4'),('c2_0'),('c2_1'),('c2_2'),('c3_0'),('c3_1'),('c3_2'),('c3_3'),('c3_4'),('c4_0'),('c4_1'),('c4_2'),('c5_0'),('c5_1'),('c5_2'),('c6_0'),('c6_1'),('c6_2')) t (col);
(22 rows)
The completion is shown as follows:
with tmp as (
select c1,c2,c3,c4,c5,c6,count(*) cnt
where id in (
select id from people_loc where crt_time between '2017-03-06'::date and '2017-03-08'::date
GROUP BY GROUPING SETS (c1,c2,c3,c4,c5,c6,())
tmp2 as (
select case
when c1 is not null then 'c1_'||c1
when c2 is not null then 'c2_'||c2
when c3 is not null then 'c3_'||c3
when c4 is not null then 'c4_'||c4
when c5 is not null then 'c5_'||c5
when c6 is not null then 'c6_'||c6
else 'cnt' end AS col,
t1.cnt as private,
t2.cnt as all,
t1.cnt::float8/t2.cnt as ratio
from tmp t1, (select cnt from tmp where tmp.c1 is null and tmp.c2 is null and tmp.c3 is null and tmp.c4 is null and tmp.c5 is null and tmp.c6 is null) t2
select t1.col,coalesce(t2.ratio,0) ratio from (values ('c1_0'),('c1_1'),('c1_2'),('c1_3'),('c1_4'),('c2_0'),('c2_1'),('c2_2'),('c3_0'),('c3_1'),('c3_2'),('c3_3'),('c3_4'),('c4_0'),('c4_1'),('c4_2'),('c5_0'),('c5_1'),('c5_2'),('c6_0'),('c6_1'),('c6_2'))
t1 (col)
left join tmp2 t2
on (t1.col=t2.col)
order by t1.col;
col | ratio
c1_0 | 0.24980225645085151051
c1_1 | 0.29976094301771467071
c1_2 | 0.25052894429839958504
c1_3 | 0.19990785623303423374
c1_4 | 0
c2_0 | 0.35012740672019240526
c2_1 | 0.35012425542857250901
c2_2 | 0.29974833785123508572
c3_0 | 0.25017915092859110163
c3_1 | 0.29969035408542899478
c3_2 | 0.24948901806383382357
c3_3 | 0.20064147692214608001
c3_4 | 0
c4_0 | 0.34921290189209851442
c4_1 | 0.35033791300040147455
c4_2 | 0.30044918510750001103
c5_0 | 0.34951101407934069937
c5_1 | 0.34983937866613388830
c5_2 | 0.30064960725452541233
c6_0 | 0.34962824212760083976
c6_1 | 0.34969441925161866094
c6_2 | 0.30067733862078049930
(22 rows)
5. Row and column conversion (optional)
If you want to convert the preceding data from multiple rows to one single row, you can use the tablefunc plug-in. PostgreSQL supports many other features.
create extension tablefunc;
select * from
with tmp as (
select c1,c2,c3,c4,c5,c6,count(*) cnt
where id in (
select id from people_loc where crt_time between '2017-03-06'::date and '2017-03-08'::date
GROUP BY GROUPING SETS (c1,c2,c3,c4,c5,c6,())
tmp2 as (
select case
when c1 is not null then 'c1_'||c1
when c2 is not null then 'c2_'||c2
when c3 is not null then 'c3_'||c3
when c4 is not null then 'c4_'||c4
when c5 is not null then 'c5_'||c5
when c6 is not null then 'c6_'||c6
else 'cnt' end AS col,
t1.cnt as private,
t2.cnt as all,
t1.cnt::float8/t2.cnt as ratio
from tmp t1, (select cnt from tmp where tmp.c1 is null and tmp.c2 is null and tmp.c3 is null and tmp.c4 is null and tmp.c5 is null and tmp.c6 is null) t2
select 'row'::text , t1.col,coalesce(t2.ratio,0) ratio from (values ('c1_0'),('c1_1'),('c1_2'),('c1_3'),('c1_4'),('c2_0'),('c2_1'),('c2_2'),('c3_0'),('c3_1'),('c3_2'),('c3_3'),('c3_4'),('c4_0'),('c4_1'),('c4_2'),('c5_0'),('c5_1'),('c5_2'),('c6_0'),('c6_1'),('c6_2'))
t1 (col)
left join tmp2 t2
on (t1.col=t2.col)
order by t1.col
row text,
c1_0 float8,
c1_1 float8,
c1_2 float8,
c1_3 float8,
c1_4 float8,
c2_0 float8,
c2_1 float8,
c2_2 float8,
c3_0 float8,
c3_1 float8,
c3_2 float8,
c3_3 float8,
c3_4 float8,
c4_0 float8,
c4_1 float8,
c4_2 float8,
c5_0 float8,
c5_1 float8,
c5_2 float8,
c6_0 float8,
c6_1 float8,
c6_2 float8
row | c1_0 | c1_1 | c1_2 | c1_3 | c1_4 | c2_0 | c2_1 | c2_2 | c3_0 | c3_1
| c3_2 | c3_3 | c3_4 | c4_0 | c4_1 | c4_2 | c5_0 | c5_1 | c5_2 | c6_0 |
c6_1 | c6_2
row | 0.24980225645085151051 | 0.29976094301771467071 | 0.25052894429839958504 | 0.19990785623303423374 | 0 | 0.35012740672019240526 | 0.35012425542857250901 | 0.29974833785123508572 | 0.25017915092859110163 | 0.29969035408542899478
| 0.24948901806383382357 | 0.20064147692214608001 | 0 | 0.34921290189209851442 | 0.35033791300040147455 | 0.30044918510750001103 | 0.34951101407934069937 | 0.34983937866613388830 | 0.30064960725452541233 | 0.34962824212760083976 | 0.3
4969441925161866094 | 0.30067733862078049930
(1 row)
1. About indexes (BRIN, GIST, and BTREE_GIST)
Typically two dimensions are configured to filter population groups: time range and geographical location range.
Because trajectory data usually has a strong linear correlation between time and heap, we can use BRIN indexes.
GiST indexes can be used to quickly filter geographical locations.
If you want to create a composite index by time and location, you can use the btree_gist plug-in so that time and geographical locations can be put in the same GiST index.
create extension btree_gist;
2. Recursive optimization
If trajectory points are too many and most of them are from duplicate population groups, you can use recursion to optimize the IN query.
3. "Case when" optimization. You can use "case when" to implement aggregation before using cube, grouping sets, and rollup or using databases that don't support data perspective syntax. However, this will lead to high CPU consumption because "case when" is performed on each piece of data.
sum(case when c1=0 then 1 else 0 end)/(count(*))::float8 as c1_0,
sum(case when c1=1 then 1 else 0 end)/(count(*))::float8 as c1_1,
sum(case when c1=2 then 1 else 0 end)/(count(*))::float8 as c1_2,
sum(case when c1=3 then 1 else 0 end)/(count(*))::float8 as c1_3,
sum(case when c1=4 then 1 else 0 end)/(count(*))::float8 as c1_4,
sum(case when c2=0 then 1 else 0 end)/(count(*))::float8 as c2_0,
sum(case when c2=1 then 1 else 0 end)/(count(*))::float8 as c2_1,
sum(case when c2=2 then 1 else 0 end)/(count(*))::float8 as c2_2,
sum(case when c3=0 then 1 else 0 end)/(count(*))::float8 as c3_0,
sum(case when c3=1 then 1 else 0 end)/(count(*))::float8 as c3_1,
sum(case when c3=2 then 1 else 0 end)/(count(*))::float8 as c3_2,
sum(case when c3=3 then 1 else 0 end)/(count(*))::float8 as c3_3,
sum(case when c3=4 then 1 else 0 end)/(count(*))::float8 as c3_4,
sum(case when c4=0 then 1 else 0 end)/(count(*))::float8 as c4_0,
sum(case when c4=1 then 1 else 0 end)/(count(*))::float8 as c4_1,
sum(case when c4=2 then 1 else 0 end)/(count(*))::float8 as c4_2,
sum(case when c5=0 then 1 else 0 end)/(count(*))::float8 as c5_0,
sum(case when c5=1 then 1 else 0 end)/(count(*))::float8 as c5_1,
sum(case when c5=2 then 1 else 0 end)/(count(*))::float8 as c5_2,
sum(case when c6=0 then 1 else 0 end)/(count(*))::float8 as c6_0,
sum(case when c6=1 then 1 else 0 end)/(count(*))::float8 as c6_1,
sum(case when c6=2 then 1 else 0 end)/(count(*))::float8 as c6_2
where id in (
select id from people_loc where crt_time between '2017-03-06'::date and '2017-03-08'::date
c1_0 | c1_1 | c1_2 | c1_3 | c1_4 | c2_0 | c2_1 | c2_2 | c3_0 |
c3_1 | c3_2 | c3_3 | c3_4 | c4_0 | c4_1 | c4_2 | c5_0 | c5_1 | c5_2
| c6_0 | c6_1 | c6_2
0.24980225645085151051 | 0.29976094301771467071 | 0.25052894429839958504 | 0.19990785623303423374 | 0.000000000000000000000000 | 0.35012740672019240526 | 0.35012425542857250901 | 0.29974833785123508572 | 0.25017915092859110163 | 0.29969
035408542899478 | 0.24948901806383382357 | 0.20064147692214608001 | 0.000000000000000000000000 | 0.34921290189209851442 | 0.35033791300040147455 | 0.30044918510750001103 | 0.34951101407934069937 | 0.34983937866613388830 | 0.3006496072545
2541233 | 0.34962824212760083976 | 0.34969441925161866094 | 0.30067733862078049930
(1 row)
Time: 8282.168 ms
perf report
# Events: 8K cycles
# Overhead Command Shared Object Symbol
# ........ ........ .................. ...................................................
12.15% postgres postgres [.] ExecMakeFunctionResultNoSets
--- ExecMakeFunctionResultNoSets
--100.00%-- (nil)
7.11% postgres postgres [.] ExecEvalCase
--- ExecEvalCase
--100.00%-- (nil)
6.85% postgres postgres [.] ExecTargetList.isra.6.lto_priv.1346
--- ExecTargetList.isra.6.lto_priv.1346
5.43% postgres postgres [.] ExecProject.constprop.414
--- ExecProject.constprop.414
5.37% postgres postgres [.] ExecEvalScalarVarFast
--- ExecEvalScalarVarFast
4.35% postgres postgres [.] slot_getattr
--- slot_getattr
4.13% postgres postgres [.] advance_aggregates
--- advance_aggregates
3.43% postgres postgres [.] slot_deform_tuple.lto_priv.1138
--- slot_deform_tuple.lto_priv.1138
3.12% postgres postgres [.] ExecClearTuple
--- ExecClearTuple
2.82% postgres postgres [.] IndexNext
--- IndexNext
2.45% postgres postgres [.] ExecEvalConst
--- ExecEvalConst
--100.00%-- (nil)
Typical Cases on PostgreSQL\GPDB Millisecond-Level Massive Spatio-Temporal Data Pivoting
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