Community Blog The New Batch Alibaba Cloud MVP for Spring 2023 Opens for Application

The New Batch Alibaba Cloud MVP for Spring 2023 Opens for Application

Are you obsessed with technology and passionate about Alibaba Cloud? Application for new Alibaba Cloud MVP award winners is now open!


By Alibaba Cloud MVP

Are you passionate about building cloud computing solutions together with Alibaba Cloud scientists and architects? Are you looking forward to joining a group of experts who are changing cloud technologies and Alibaba Cloud products?

If you answered yes to these questions or know somebody who fits this profile, Alibaba Cloud MVP offers an excellent opportunity for you! If you are driven, passionate, and with community spirit & extraordinary technical abilities, grab the chance to nominate yourself or your friends as an Alibaba Cloud MVP (Spring 2023 batch) by 5 March 2023.

Click Here to Apply >>

What Is The Alibaba Cloud MVP?

Alibaba Cloud MVP (Most Valuable Professional) is an award for tech leaders and experts passionate about helping others understand and use Alibaba Cloud technologies entirely.

The MVP program is open to all professional developers worldwide. It awards candidates who aim to improve products and documents, build awareness, engage users and developers, and have excellent knowledge and experience in cloud computing and related areas. MVPs are a vital part of the Alibaba Cloud community.

Who Is Qualified to Be an Alibaba Cloud MVP?

  1. An expert on cloud computing or related areas
  2. Familiar with and actively using multiple Alibaba Cloud products
  3. Contribution to Alibaba Cloud community (at least one of the following)
  • Blog posts about Alibaba Cloud
  • Speaking at tech events or webinars about Alibaba Cloud
  • Interaction on tech forums about Alibaba Cloud
  • Help to improve Alibaba Cloud Products

What Are the Benefits of Becoming an MVP?

If you successfully enrol in the program, you will get the following benefits:

  • Receiving an MVP certification and a welcome package.
  • You can join our group and participate in exclusive internal training with Alibaba Cloud.
  • You will also have opportunities to attend the Apsara conference, Alibaba Cloud Day, and Developer Summit, visit Alibaba HQ, and meet with high-level Alibaba Cloud executives and experts.
  • Suppose you upgrade to a higher tier by making more contributions to the community. In that case, you will get additional benefits, including up to USD 1500.00 in credits, free ACP, and exposure on Alibaba Cloud's official channel.

Click the following link to see comprehensive benefits from Alibaba Cloud MVP: https://mvp.alibabacloud.com/mvp/benefits

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