Community Blog Sustainable Development Goal 1: No Poverty

Sustainable Development Goal 1: No Poverty

This is a featured project from Alibaba Cloud Project Hub developed by Iffah Sorfina Binti Mohamad Naim from Malaysia.

This is a featured project from Alibaba Cloud Project Hub and the Alibaba Cloud Developer Initiative 2021. It is developed by Iffah Sorfina Binti Mohamad Naim from Malaysia.

Project Introduction

The website No Poverty is focused on one of the goals in the Sustainable Development Goals, that is, goal 1: No Poverty. Poverty remains to be one of the greatest challenges to humanity, especially so during the current pandemic. The goal focuses on ending poverty in all forms around the world. The website is made to raise awareness on goal 1.


The website is made to display concise information on Sustainable Development Goals and Goal 1: No Poverty. It provides information about the goal including the 7 targets defined by the UN for goal 1. All the target is aimed to be achieved before 2030. The website's visitors can view and click on the links that are related to goal 1 and able to further achieve the targets.

Alibaba Cloud Products Used

  • ECS

I've used Elastic Compute Service (ECS) for my website and made it available on the internet.

About the Developer

My name is Iffah Sorfina and I'm a first-year student currently studying for a Bachelor's Degree of Computer Science. For me, this competition helps to challenge myself to learn something new and build my experiences in making a website.

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