Community Blog Partition Table of PostgreSQL Hash and Partition ID Calculation

Partition Table of PostgreSQL Hash and Partition ID Calculation

This article discusses the partition table of PostgreSQL Hash and partition ID calculation (with several examples).

By digoal


How can we know the partition according to the value of the partition field?

Use the partition key value to calculate the hash shard ID:

  • Partition Field: ID
  • ID Type: int4
  • Number of Partitions: 256
  • Calculate the shard ID. The returned result: 0..255.

Calculation Method:

      (hashint4extended(id, 8816678312871386365)::numeric + 5305509591434766563  
      ) % 256  
    )::int + 256  
  ) % 256  


    (hashint4extended(id, 8816678312871386365)::numeric + 5305509591434766563) % 256 < 0   
    256 + (hashint4extended(id, 8816678312871386365)::numeric + 5305509591434766563) % 256  
    (hashint4extended(id, 8816678312871386365)::numeric + 5305509591434766563) % 256  


The execution plan will tell you which partition it belongs to:

postgres=# explain select * from p where id=2;  
                        QUERY PLAN                          
 Seq Scan on p122 p  (cost=0.00..195.19 rows=1 width=263)  
   Filter: (id = 2)  
(2 rows) 

How It Works

  * Combine two 64-bit hash values, resulting in another hash value, using the  
  * same kind of technique as hash_combine().  Testing shows that this also  
  * produces good bit mixing.  
 static inline uint64  
 hash_combine64(uint64 a, uint64 b)  
     /* 0x49a0f4dd15e5a8e3 is 64bit random data */  
     a ^= b + UINT64CONST(0x49a0f4dd15e5a8e3) + (a << 54) + (a >> 7);  
     return a;  


  cast(cast('x'||'7A5B22367996DCFD' as bit(64))as bigint) as "HASH_PARTITION_SEED",   
  cast(cast('x'||'49a0f4dd15e5a8e3' as bit(64))as bigint) as "hash_combine64"  
 HASH_PARTITION_SEED |   hash_combine64      
 8816678312871386365 | 5305509591434766563  
(1 row)  
postgres=#  \df *.*extended  
                                           List of functions  
   Schema   |           Name           | Result data type |         Argument data types         | Type   
 pg_catalog | hash_aclitem_extended    | bigint           | aclitem, bigint                     | func  
 pg_catalog | hash_array_extended      | bigint           | anyarray, bigint                    | func  
 pg_catalog | hash_multirange_extended | bigint           | anymultirange, bigint               | func  
 pg_catalog | hash_numeric_extended    | bigint           | numeric, bigint                     | func  
 pg_catalog | hash_range_extended      | bigint           | anyrange, bigint                    | func  
 pg_catalog | hash_record_extended     | bigint           | record, bigint                      | func  
 pg_catalog | hashbpcharextended       | bigint           | character, bigint                   | func  
 pg_catalog | hashcharextended         | bigint           | "char", bigint                      | func  
 pg_catalog | hashenumextended         | bigint           | anyenum, bigint                     | func  
 pg_catalog | hashfloat4extended       | bigint           | real, bigint                        | func  
 pg_catalog | hashfloat8extended       | bigint           | double precision, bigint            | func  
 pg_catalog | hashinetextended         | bigint           | inet, bigint                        | func  
 pg_catalog | hashint2extended         | bigint           | smallint, bigint                    | func  
 pg_catalog | hashint4extended         | bigint           | integer, bigint                     | func  
 pg_catalog | hashint8extended         | bigint           | bigint, bigint                      | func  
 pg_catalog | hashmacaddr8extended     | bigint           | macaddr8, bigint                    | func  
 pg_catalog | hashmacaddrextended      | bigint           | macaddr, bigint                     | func  
 pg_catalog | hashnameextended         | bigint           | name, bigint                        | func  
 pg_catalog | hashoidextended          | bigint           | oid, bigint                         | func  
 pg_catalog | hashoidvectorextended    | bigint           | oidvector, bigint                   | func  
 pg_catalog | hashtextextended         | bigint           | text, bigint                        | func  
 pg_catalog | hashtidextended          | bigint           | tid, bigint                         | func  
 pg_catalog | hashvarlenaextended      | bigint           | internal, bigint                    | func  
 pg_catalog | interval_hash_extended   | bigint           | interval, bigint                    | func  
 pg_catalog | jsonb_hash_extended      | bigint           | jsonb, bigint                       | func  
 pg_catalog | pg_lsn_hash_extended     | bigint           | pg_lsn, bigint                      | func  
 pg_catalog | time_hash_extended       | bigint           | time without time zone, bigint      | func  
 pg_catalog | timestamp_hash_extended  | bigint           | timestamp without time zone, bigint | func  
 pg_catalog | timetz_hash_extended     | bigint           | time with time zone, bigint         | func  
 pg_catalog | uuid_hash_extended       | bigint           | uuid, bigint                        | func  
(30 rows)  


Int4 Partition

do language plpgsql $$  
  create unlogged table p (id int, info text, crt_time timestamp, x uuid, n name, i int8, c1 varchar(500), c2 char(100), c3 int2, ts timestamptz(3))   
  partition by hash (id);  
    for i in 0..255 loop  
      execute format ( 'create unlogged table p%s partition of p for values with (modulus %s, REMAINDER %s)', i, 256, i);  
    end loop;  
insert into p   
select i, random()::text, clock_timestamp(),   
gen_random_uuid(), md5(random()::text), i+1,   
md5(random()::text), md5(random()::text),   
random()*32767, clock_timestamp()   
from generate_series(1,1000000) i;  

SQL obtains hash shards, counting from 0:

select tableoid::regclass, id,   
  (case when   
  (hashint4extended(id, 8816678312871386365)::numeric + 5305509591434766563) % 256 < 0 then  
  256 + (hashint4extended(id, 8816678312871386365)::numeric + 5305509591434766563) % 256  
  else (hashint4extended(id, 8816678312871386365)::numeric + 5305509591434766563) % 256  
  end)::int as hash  
from p order by random() limit 10;  
 tableoid |   id   | hash   
 p242     | 280431 |  242  
 p83      |  19278 |   83  
 p224     | 222672 |  224  
 p6       | 970558 |    6  
 p140     | 170988 |  140  
 p41      | 693193 |   41  
 p73      | 120319 |   73  
 p148     | 979893 |  148  
 p65      | 151618 |   65  
 p199     | 365620 |  199  
(10 rows)  


select tableoid::regclass, id,   
      (hashint4extended(id, 8816678312871386365)::numeric + 5305509591434766563  
      ) % 256  
    )::int + 256  
  ) % 256  
from p order by random() limit 10;  

Verify the correctness:

select satisfies_hash_partition('p'::regclass, 256,   
  (case when   
  (hashint4extended(id, 8816678312871386365)::numeric + 5305509591434766563) % 256 < 0 then  
  256 + (hashint4extended(id, 8816678312871386365)::numeric + 5305509591434766563) % 256  
  else (hashint4extended(id, 8816678312871386365)::numeric + 5305509591434766563) % 256  
from p   
where not  
satisfies_hash_partition('p'::regclass, 256,   
  (case when   
  (hashint4extended(id, 8816678312871386365)::numeric + 5305509591434766563) % 256 < 0 then  
  256 + (hashint4extended(id, 8816678312871386365)::numeric + 5305509591434766563) % 256  
  else (hashint4extended(id, 8816678312871386365)::numeric + 5305509591434766563) % 256  
id) ;   

Return 0 entries, indicating that all are correct:

(0 rows)  

Text Partition

drop table p;  
do language plpgsql $$  
  create unlogged table p (id int, info text, crt_time timestamp, x uuid, n name, i int8, c1 varchar(500), c2 char(100), c3 int2, ts timestamptz(3))   
  partition by hash (info);  
    for i in 0..255 loop  
      execute format ( 'create unlogged table p%s partition of p for values with (modulus %s, REMAINDER %s)', i, 256, i);  
    end loop;  
insert into p   
select i, random()::text, clock_timestamp(),   
gen_random_uuid(), md5(random()::text), i+1,   
md5(random()::text), md5(random()::text),   
random()*32767, clock_timestamp()   
from generate_series(1,1000000) i;  

SQL obtains hash shards, counting from 0:

select tableoid::regclass, info,   
  (case when   
  (hashtextextended(info, 8816678312871386365)::numeric + 5305509591434766563) % 256 < 0 then  
  256 + (hashtextextended(info, 8816678312871386365)::numeric + 5305509591434766563) % 256  
  else (hashtextextended(info, 8816678312871386365)::numeric + 5305509591434766563) % 256  
  end)::int as hash  
from p order by random() limit 10;  
 tableoid |        info         | hash   
 p103     | 0.8017627229598645  |  103  
 p3       | 0.7708656162212222  |    3  
 p250     | 0.5574657855237355  |  250  
 p84      | 0.5828628389821198  |   84  
 p69      | 0.05682110760098524 |   69  
 p250     | 0.09112121076390522 |  250  
 p51      | 0.09714514059177048 |   51  
 p82      | 0.15281675218450275 |   82  
 p209     | 0.7884218172648474  |  209  
 p76      | 0.5867557439132653  |   76  
(10 rows)  

Verify the correctness:

select satisfies_hash_partition('p'::regclass, 256,   
      (hashtextextended(info, 8816678312871386365)::numeric + 5305509591434766563  
      ) % 256  
    )::int + 256  
  ) % 256,   
from p   
where not  
satisfies_hash_partition('p'::regclass, 256,   
      (hashtextextended(info, 8816678312871386365)::numeric + 5305509591434766563  
      ) % 256  
    )::int + 256  
  ) % 256,   
info) ;   

Return 0 entries, indicating that all are correct:

(0 rows)  

Uuid Partition

drop table p;  
do language plpgsql $$  
  create unlogged table p (id int, info text, crt_time timestamp, x uuid, n name, i int8, c1 varchar(500), c2 char(100), c3 int2, ts timestamptz(3))   
  partition by hash (x);  
    for i in 0..255 loop  
      execute format ( 'create unlogged table p%s partition of p for values with (modulus %s, REMAINDER %s)', i, 256, i);  
    end loop;  
insert into p   
select i, random()::text, clock_timestamp(),   
  gen_random_uuid(), md5(random()::text), i+1,   
  md5(random()::text), md5(random()::text),   
  random()*32767, clock_timestamp()   
from generate_series(1,1000000) i;  

SQL obtains hash shards, counting from 0:

select tableoid::regclass, x,   
  (case when   
  (uuid_hash_extended(x, 8816678312871386365)::numeric + 5305509591434766563) % 256 < 0 then  
  256 + (uuid_hash_extended(x, 8816678312871386365)::numeric + 5305509591434766563) % 256  
  else (uuid_hash_extended(x, 8816678312871386365)::numeric + 5305509591434766563) % 256  
  end)::int as hash  
from p order by random() limit 10;  
 tableoid |                  x                   | hash   
 p46      | adb6a830-6d1d-42b4-b870-ebda0f6d763c |   46  
 p96      | 9ab848a8-d115-4b8b-926b-1c32264e88b3 |   96  
 p214     | d7ab3e96-c2f6-409b-94e6-e844d1fe7949 |  214  
 p236     | b663ba77-07d0-4cec-b1ce-3ab42d182507 |  236  
 p236     | a2d42573-b08d-4e9d-b0f3-fa4f7ae04f18 |  236  
 p107     | 9d0b647f-584d-4c20-a7e8-c0f3bac9e057 |  107  
 p143     | 574ef574-8256-4583-b9b6-63bd89d78c19 |  143  
 p224     | 528f9177-a0fc-4889-949a-6648ba7d7fde |  224  
 p141     | 05d739d1-bb44-452e-8ef7-3b153af991ac |  141  
 p58      | 90ee0320-6f72-430b-8c79-dcbcc9e32f88 |   58  
(10 rows)  

Verify the correctness:

select satisfies_hash_partition('p'::regclass, 256,   
      (uuid_hash_extended(x, 8816678312871386365)::numeric + 5305509591434766563  
      ) % 256  
    )::int + 256  
  ) % 256,   
from p   
where not  
satisfies_hash_partition('p'::regclass, 256,   
      (uuid_hash_extended(x, 8816678312871386365)::numeric + 5305509591434766563  
      ) % 256  
    )::int + 256  
  ) % 256,   
x) ;   

Return 0 entries, indicating that all are correct:

(0 rows)  


Compute hash:

  * Combine two 64-bit hash values, resulting in another hash value, using the  
  * same kind of technique as hash_combine().  Testing shows that this also  
  * produces good bit mixing.  
 static inline uint64  
 hash_combine64(uint64 a, uint64 b)  
     /* 0x49a0f4dd15e5a8e3 is 64bit random data */  
     a ^= b + UINT64CONST(0x49a0f4dd15e5a8e3) + (a << 54) + (a >> 7);  
     return a;  
  * compute_partition_hash_value  
  * Compute the hash value for given partition key values.  

Check whether the shards are correct:

  * satisfies_hash_partition  
  * This is an SQL-callable function for use in hash partition constraints.  
  * The first three arguments are the parent table OID, modulus, and remainder.  
  * The remaining arguments are the value of the partitioning columns (or  
  * expressions); these are hashed and the results are combined into a single  
  * hash value by calling hash_combine64.  
  * Returns true if remainder produced when this computed single hash value is  
  * divided by the given modulus is equal to given remainder, otherwise false.  
  * NB: it's important that this never return null, as the constraint machinery  
  * would consider that to be a "pass".  
  * See get_qual_for_hash() for usage.  
0 0 0
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