Community Blog Migrate Your TB-Level or PB-Level Data Securely with Alibaba Cloud Data Transport

Migrate Your TB-Level or PB-Level Data Securely with Alibaba Cloud Data Transport

This short article discusses the benefits of Alibaba Cloud Data Transport

Data Transport

Data Transport is an easy, efficient, and secure data migration service. Customers can migrate terabytes or petabytes of local data to the cloud with the help of customized Data Transport devices.

This service provides high efficiency and security during large-scale data transfers. Users can migrate local data to Alibaba Cloud Object Storage Service (OSS) using a Data Transport device if the data canter has a slow internet connection or low bandwidth.

Alibaba Cloud Data Transport

Alibaba Cloud Data Transport is an offline, point-to-point, PB-level data migration solution that allows users to upload large amounts of data using secure equipment.

Data Transport can resolve the problems associated with migrating data to Alibaba Cloud, such as costly dedicated lines, long transmission times, and potential security risks.

Alibaba Cloud Data Transport provides device encryption features and allows users to manage passwords so only they can decrypt the devices. Also, it provides deletion instructions to allow users to erase data after the migration is complete, so third parties will not obtain sensitive data.

Alibaba Cloud Data Transport can perform RAM authorization to synchronize data to a designated cloud storage space. Alibaba Cloud Data Transport supports self-service offline data migration and serviced offline data migration.

Benefits of Alibaba Cloud Data Transport

  • Fast and Efficient: This solution can increase efficiency by 20 times and reduce costs by 60% (compared to traditional data transmission techniques, such as using the Internet or a high-speed leased line).
  • Secure and Reliable: Secure data transfer is ensured with point-to-point device encryption.
  • Low Costs: The Data Transport technology allows a large volume of data to be transferred offline in a single batch, significantly reducing logistics and network costs.
  • Easily Scalable: Data migration capabilities range from 100 TB to 480 TB on each device. Data Transport can migrate data at the PB level using multiple devices simultaneously.
  • Easily Deployable: Data Transport offers professional data migration devices, standard racks, and power supplies. Additionally, it allows users to deploy multiple devices simultaneously to improve migration efficiency.

How Can Click2Cloud Help Users Embrace Alibaba Cloud Data Transport?

Click2Cloud helps users embrace Alibaba Cloud Data Transport by providing the necessary guidance and research to make informed decisions. Cloud Intel (powered by Click2Cloud) helps users analyze their needs and current environment and provide insights on how Alibaba Cloud Data Transport can benefit their scenario.

As a partner of Alibaba Cloud, Click2Cloud enables users to integrate and migrate their businesses into a safe, secure, and solid infrastructure to leverage the benefits of Alibaba Cloud Data Transport.


Alibaba Cloud Data Transport allows users to upload massive amounts of data securely. Migrate terabytes or petabytes of local data to Alibaba Cloud at low costs and with high-efficiency today!

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