Community Blog Deploy and Run Netflix Dispatch on Alibaba Cloud with ApsaraDB RDS for PostgreSQL

Deploy and Run Netflix Dispatch on Alibaba Cloud with ApsaraDB RDS for PostgreSQL

This tutorial shows you how to run Netflix Dispatch on Alibaba Cloud with ApsaraDB RDS for PostgreSQL.

This tutorial shows you how to run Netflix Dispatch on Alibaba Cloud with ApsaraDB RDS for PostgreSQL.

You can access all the tutorial resources, including deployment script (Terraform), related source code, sample data, and instruction guidance, from the GitHub project: https://github.com/alibabacloud-howto/opensource_with_apsaradb/tree/main/apache-superset

For more tutorials around Alibaba Cloud Database, please refer to: https://github.com/alibabacloud-howto/database


Dispatch is an open source project from Netflix for managing incidents. Dispatch docker image depends on an open source PostgreSQL by default. To enhance with the database high availability, we will show the steps of deployment working with ApsaraDB RDS for PostgreSQL.


Step 1. Use Terraform to Provision ECS and Database on Alibaba Cloud

Follow this guide to install and configure the Terraform client. Please skip this step if you have already setup the Terraform on your environment.

Use terraform to provision EIP, ECS and RDS PostgreSQL instances that used in this solution against this .tf file: https://github.com/alibabacloud-howto/opensource_with_apsaradb/blob/main/netflix_dispatch/deployment/terraform/main.tf


Step 2. Set up Docker and Git

Logon to ECS via SSH, use the account root/N1cetest, the password has been predefined in Terraform script for this tutorial. If you changed the password, please use the correct password accordingly.

ssh root@<EIP_ECS>

Download the run the setup script setup.sh to setup docker and git client on ECS.

wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/alibabacloud-howto/opensource_with_apsaradb/main/netflix_dispatch/setup.sh
sh setup.sh


Step 3. Setup RDS PostgreSQL as Database for Dispatch

Run the following commands and edit the .env file with RDS PostgreSQL connection information.

cd dispatch-docker
mv .env.example .env
vim .env


Step 4. Install and Run Dispatch



docker-compose up -d


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