Community Blog Alibaba Cloud Indonesia Webinar: "The Importance of Security Products to Prevent Ransomware Attack"

Alibaba Cloud Indonesia Webinar: "The Importance of Security Products to Prevent Ransomware Attack"

According to ASEAN Cyberthreat 2021 data released by Interpol, Indonesia is on the 1st rank among ASEAN countries regarding malware attacks.

According to ASEAN Cyberthreat 2021 data released by Interpol, Indonesia is on the 1st rank among ASEAN countries regarding malware attacks. Indonesia is in first place with 1.3 million cases. This amount is almost half of the total ransomware threat among ASEAN countries.

Alibaba Cloud together with Indonet hold a webinar with the topic “The Importance of Security Products to Prevent Ransomware Attack”, where we discussed ransomware, its impact on business, as well as prevention and solutions from Alibaba Cloud.

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Alibaba Cloud Indonesia

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