Apache OFBiz is an open source enterprise resource planning (ERP) system. It provides a suite of enterprise applications that integrate and automate the business processes of an enterprise. OFBiz is compatible with various commercial and open-source databases. OFBiz includes and is configured with an embedded Java database, Derby, by default.
This solution deploys OFBiz on Alibaba Cloud quickly to enhance the database availability. OFBiz is deployed with the High Availability Edition of ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL for higher stability.
Reference Architecture

Deploy Resources
Note: This solution uses RDS MySQL as backend database of OFBiz, so ECS and RDS MySQL instances are included in the Terraform script
Deploy OFBiz on ECS with RDS MySQL
1. Run the following command to log on to ECS with ECS EIP.
ssh root@ECS_EIP
2. Run the following command to setup the Apache OFBiz.
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/alibabacloud-howto/opensource_with_apsaradb/main/apache-ofbiz/setup.sh
sh setup.sh
3. After the setup script execution is completed, run the following command to edit the property "
"" in the "security.properties" file to add the host IP of the ECS.cd ofbiz-framework
vim framework/security/config/security.properties
4. Run the following command to edit the "entityengine_backup.xml" configuration file to replace Derby with RDS MySQL as the backend database, and edit the RDS MySQL connection string and database accounts.
cp framework/entity/config/entityengine.xml framework/entity/config/entityengine_backup.xml
vim framework/entity/config/entityengine.xml
5. Run the following command to replace Derby with RDS MySQL in "
", "default-no-eca
", and "test delegators
".localderby -> localmysql
localderbyolap -> localmysqlolap
localderbytenant -> localmysqltenant
6. Run the following command to build and initialize OFBiz.
./gradlew cleanAll loadAll
7. Run the following command to start OFBiz.
./gradlew ofbiz
8. Visit the following URL to open OFBiz.
Note: The default administrator account is "
", and default password is "ofbiz
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