AnalyticDB for PostgreSQL
An online MPP warehousing service based on the Greenplum Database open source program
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Hologres (Interactive Analytics)
Hologres is an all-in-one real-time data warehouse engine that is compatible with PostgreSQL. It supports online analytical processing (OLAP) and ad hoc analysis of PB-scale data.
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Realtime Compute for Apache Flink
Realtime Compute for Apache Flink offers a highly integrated platform for real-time data processing, which optimizes the computing of Apache Flink.
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EMR is an all-in-one enterprise-ready big data platform that provides cluster, job, and data management services based on open-source ecosystems, such as Hadoop, Spark, Kafka, Flink, and Storm.
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Forrester, an international authoritative consulting organization, released the research report "The Forrester Wave™: Cloud Data Warehouses, Q2 2023". Alibaba Cloud was named as a strong performer.
Data warehouse is the core tool for enterprises to store and manage massive data. Its concept was born in the 1990s. In the past ten years, cloud data warehouse has been widely recognized by enterprises in various industries due to its excellent scalability, stability and ease of use, and has gradually replaced local data warehouses. As the most authoritative research report in the field of cloud data warehouse, this Forrester Wave report evaluates the 15 top cloud data warehouse vendors from three dimensions of current offering, strategy, and market presence with a total of 22 criteria. Alibaba Cloud got a full mark in the performance category.
Read this report to:
·Learn why Alibaba Cloud was named a Strong Performer
·Understand how Alibaba Cloud's Cloud Data Warehouse services will be differentiated
·Learn strengths and weaknesses of individual vendors